Reading Wrap Up 2017 | BookTube

Sunday 31 December 2017 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today I have for you my Reading Wrap Up for 2017! This is a video telling you all the books I've read this year and the ratings I've given them so I hope you enjoy it!

And I also hope you've had an amazing 2017 and read some great books as well!

Happy Reading!!!


Christmas Book Haul 2017 | BookTube

Saturday 30 December 2017 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today I have for you my Christmas Book Haul! I'm super excited to share all of these books with you so I hope you enjoy the video!

If you received any books or Christmas let me know what you got in the comments as I'd love to know!

Happy Reading!!!


A Very Late October Reading Vlog 2017 | BookTube

Tuesday 21 November 2017 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

A few weeks ago I filmed a reading vlog as I had the week off and thought it would be a nice idea to keep you even more up to date with my reading. However I'm just updating you now as I'm useless! I hope you enjoy the video anyway and I hope you had a fantastic October reading month and are having a great November reading month!

Happy Reading!!!


My Secret Unicorn. A Special Friend by Linda Chapman - Review

Monday 20 November 2017 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

This is a slightly different book you might not have expected me to read however since starting Dance Fiction, reading children's books is something I now have to do more of (and I'm certainly not complaining about it!). So the next book I read in November was My Secret Unicorn. A Special Friend by Linda Chapman.

This is about a girl called Lauren who has a pony that can turn into a unicorn. She goes to the stables where she notices another pony that looks just like her pony and wonders whether that pony can also turn into a unicorn.

She then meets Michael, a boy that loves this pony more than anything in the world. Lauren decides to give Michael a book on unicorns to try to persuade him that they are real but he isn't too convinced. Lauren tries to work out a way to show Michael that unicorns do really exist and that the pony he loves so very much could in fact also be a unicorn!

This is such a magical children's story and brings your imagination right out. The writing is easy to follow and is perfect for younger readers. The illustrations also help separate the writing out so there isn't too much writing on one page all the time. They also help bring the story to life and although they weren't my favourite illustrations as the art style isn't something I enjoy that much, I still thought they were a good extra to the story.

We got to know the characters really well quickly and so following who was who was easy. I really liked how Lauren and Michael became such good friends just from their love of horses and you really see a development in their friendship as the story goes on.

I think the middle part of the story could have had a bit more to it as it did drag on for a bit there but I still recommend this to younger readers as it is great for imagination and if you love unicorns then you're probably going to love this!

I'm excited to bring this story to life through dance with Dance Fiction as I've not yet done a unicorn story so it will be interesting to see how it goes!

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


The Creakers by Tom Fletcher - Review

Hello Book Lovers!!!

The first book I have finished in November is The Creakers by Tom Fletcher. This is a children's story and I loved every minute of it!

If you don't know what The Creakers is about its about a little girl called Lucy who wakes up to find her mum has gone missing. Her dad also disappeared a few years prior to this so now Lucy is left completely on her own. When she goes outside she realises that there are lots of other children saying their parents have disappeared so they all try to work out what has happened together.

They soon discover that their are Creakers that appear under your bed in the night and so the children all think this is linked to the disappearance of their parents!

This is such a cute and imaginative children's book and the writing style is perfect for younger readers however also very humorous for older readers as well.

The characters all had their own little personalities and we got to know them all really well very quickly. This helped the character development as that was obvious through the writing. I loved Lucy and how she developed from being a little girl to (still a little girl) but a one who could now look after herself and others around her.

I also loved the Creakers and how funny they were. The scariness was there with them but you couldn't help but love them as they were also very silly and a bit dopey.

The illustrations throughout really helped bring the story to life and I highly recommend you go check out Shane Devries' work as he is an amazing artist!

The storyline itself is perfect for younger readers and would make a great bedtime story but it is also extremely funny and has some great messages throughout that older readers will get straight away. I definitely recommend this to anyone and if you've read it then feel free to let me know what you thought of it.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


The Magpies by Mark Edwards - Review

Wednesday 1 November 2017 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've just finished The Magpies by Mark Edwards (I'm classing it as an October read as I read most of it during that month) and I really enjoyed it and how real it was.

The Magpies is about a couple (Kirsty and Jamie) who move into their dream flat. They are very excited about the move and love meeting all of their new neighbours when they get there. Two of their neighbours are Lucy and Chris who they invite round to dinner and plan a day trip Go Karting.

However as time goes on, Kirsty and Jamie start to notice strange things happening, including a dead rat being left on their doorstep and strange deliveries turning up at their flat that they haven't ordered. They begin to suspect Lucy and Chris and even more so when their friend Paul ends up in a coma after a Go Karting accident that Chris was involved in.

I really enjoyed the intensity of this story and how real it was. I liked that it was a story in which these things could actually happen to someone as that made it a lot more intense and made me think a lot more about getting my own place and the problems some people can have with 'nightmare neighbours'.

The characters in this story also seemed very real and each had their own separate lives and personalities. I felt like we got to know each of the characters in depth quite quickly and that made it easy to follow the story and how each character was linked.

The writing style was also easy to follow and I enjoyed that just as you thought things were settling down, something happened that spun the whole plot out of control once again. It kept me on edge and I was constantly wanting to know what was going to happen. It actually got to the point where I felt like I was getting impatient because I just wanted to know everything instantly.

Overall I think this is a great read for if you're wanting something intense but also something very real, however I don't recommend this to younger readers as their are some topics not suitable for a younger age range and some of the scenes could be quite disturbing to younger readers as well.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


October TBR 2017 | BookTube

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I thought I'd quickly update you on the books I planned on reading in October! So here is a very late October TBR! Enjoy!

Happy Reading!!!


September Wrap Up 2017 | BookTube

Monday 30 October 2017 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

I have for you today a very late September Wrap Up! I had a really good September reading month so I wanted to share with you everything I have read. I hope you had a great reading month in September and I hope you enjoy the video!

Happy Reading!!!


Always and Forever Lara Jean by Jenny Han - Review

Saturday 21 October 2017 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finally finished my first book of October and it was Always and Forever Lara Jean by Jenny Han. I really enjoyed this book and I'm glad Jenny Han decided to write another Lara Jean book after this was originally going to be a duology. As this is the third and final book in the series there will be spoilers for the previous two books so if you don't want to be spoiled then look away now!

In this chapter of the story we follow Lara Jean and Peter's relationship in their final year of high school. They are applying for colleges to begin in the new academic year and both of them have their hearts set on places they would like to go.

Peter gets into the college he's always dreamed of going to but when a surprise twist happens to Lara Jean she's left unsure on what to do and whether her relationship with Peter will be able to continue when the two of them start college.

This is a really cute story of love, friendship, family and growing up and I think Jenny Han did a great job in writing an unexpected third book to the series.

As the series has developed I've loved each and every one of the characters more and more. In the first book I wasn't a fan of Lara Jean and found her annoying and immature but I feel like I've seen her develop from an immature teenager to a young adult ready for a new chapter in her life.

Peter also grew on me a lot throughout the series as I found him really full of himself originally but in this book I loved his character and how his and Lara Jean's relationship carried on developing.

The sister element to this series is something I've always loved and it was great to see all the sisters reunited in this story and see the incredible support they have for one another through all the ups and downs they face.

It was also lovely to see the girls' dad in a new relationship and find out much more about that relationship in this story. It was really nice to see their dad happier and I really felt a sense of development and moving on from this side of the story.

The storyline and writing were easy to follow and I never felt like I was getting lost. I felt at times like I was in the story and I was actually part of their lives and living through their eyes.

Overall I think this is a great read if you want something fast paced, cute and contemporary and I definitely recommend this whole trilogy.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


We Were Liars by E. Lockhart - Review

Thursday 5 October 2017 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I finished reading We Were Liars by E. Lockhart and I did enjoy it but nowhere near as much as I was hoping to. This book gets a lot of hype and I think my expectations were just too high going into it.

I can't really explain too much about what this book is about without spoiling it so I'll just say that it's about a girl and her family and friends, and there is something mysterious happening where the girl feels like she is being lied to and everyone apart from her seem to know what's happening/what has happened.

Like I said I can't really talk about this book in detail without spoiling things so that's all I'm going to say about the synopsis.

I thought that this book began quite well and I was engaged quite quickly however I did struggle working out who each character was and how they were linked to the main character. There was so many people to follow and even though there is a family tree right at the beginning of the book I still struggled with keeping up. This did hinder my enjoyment to the story a bit as I love to get attached to characters but this wasn't something I was able to do in this story.

I found the writing style to be something a bit new to me. Although I found it fairly poetic this was also something that took me a while to get used to. Once I was used to it however I did start to enjoy this element to the book a lot more.

The ending of the story I really enjoyed and this was what brought my final rating up a little bit. I found that the build up to what was happening exciting and I wanted to know what was going to happen as quickly as possible. And when I did find out I thought it was a good finale to the story.

Overall I did have quite a few issues with this book and I do think it gets a little bit too much hype, however I can also understand why other people might love this book. I'd recommend it if you like mystery elements to stories but be warned that keeping up with the characters can be quite tricky!

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


The Witches by Roald Dahl - Review

Thursday 21 September 2017 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've just finished The Witches by Roald Dahl which I think is going to be my last Roald Dahl book for this month but I really enjoyed it and will be watching the film again tonight!

If you don't know what The Witches is about, its about a little boy who lives with his grandma and comes face to face with a witch. After the boy's grandma finds out about this she moves him back to England from Norway where they currently live.

There they stay in a hotel and while there, the boy finds himself hiding in a meeting room full of women. He listens in to the meeting and soon finds out that these women are actually witches and are creating a plan to get rid of all the children in the world!

So the boy decides to find out all the information about their plan and hijack the whole situation!

I loved this book once again and the characters are all so great. I love the little boy (who is unnamed) and I love Bruno the other little boy in the hotel as he is hilarious and doesn't really care about anything apart from eating.

I also loved the witches and especially their transformation from looking like normal women to hags. We really got to see how they acted in the meeting room and how nasty however also pretty stupid they all were.

I also really loved grandma as she was such a lovely character and so understanding. She really didn't have a bad bone in her body and I loved that she wanted to help her grandson defeat the witches once and for all.

I think the story itself is really entertaining and will keep you guessing and I think Roald Dahl has once again written in such a way that keeps you engaged throughout. I think that his writing in this story is perfect again for all aged readers as the younger readers can be kept highly engaged and the older readers as well as that can also be entertained and be made to laugh with some of his jokey writing styles.

Overall I would definitely recommend this just like I have with all of the other Roald Dahl books I've recently reread and I can't wait to carry on with the rest of my Roald Dahl Collection!

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


The Twits by Roald Dahl - Review

Monday 18 September 2017 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I'm on a role with making my way through my Roald Dahl collection this month and so the latest book I've read is The Twits! I remember this being one of my favourite Roald Dahl books from when I was younger and I can see why still!

This is about Mr and Mrs Twit. Even though they live together they can't stand each other and like to prank each other in the most funniest yet awful ways. For example Mrs Twit puts her glass eye in Mr Twit's drink and so when Mr Twit has reached the bottom of the cup he gets the surprise of an eye staring back at him from the bottom of the cup.

So in this story we follow the two of them pranking each other but as well as that we also meet the Muggle-Wump monkeys. They are a family of four monkeys that live outside of Mr and Mrs Twit's house. The Twit's are horrible to the monkeys and make them stand on their heads as much as possible because Mr Twit wants to create the first ever upside circus.

The Muggle-Wump monkeys however want to escape and get their own back on the Twits so they come up with a plan that will turn the Twit's world upside...literally!

I loved revisiting this story and these characters and I think the Twits are definitely one of my favourite character pairs to read about in Roald Dahl's books. They are awful people yet absolutely hilarious and so so stupid you can't help but laugh at the decisions they make.

I also love the Muggle-Wump monkeys and how devious they are. The Twits don't think the monkeys can understand them but in actual fact the monkeys know exactly what they are saying and that's how they know where to start with their plan in getting their own back.

The pranks the Twits play on each other are so inventive and hilarious; Roald Dahl has done an amazing job in coming up with a funny storyline that can entertain not only younger readers but older readers as well.

I think this book is still probably one of my favourite stories of Roald Dahl's but I do think I probably enjoyed it even more when I was younger. However I do stick with what I said before in that I loved revisiting this story again and I do think you can get a laugh out of it whatever age you are.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


The Magic Finger by Roald Dahl - Review

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've read my second Roald Dahl book of the month and that is The Magic Finger! This is a super short book but packs in an hilarious story in just over 50 pages.

If you don't know what this is about, it's about a girl (unnamed) who when made angry casts a sort of spell using her magic finger on the person/people that have made her angry. So in this story, we find out that she has already cast a spell on her teacher for calling her 'a stupid little girl', giving her teacher whiskers and a cat tail.

But the story we follow in this book is about a family that lives nearby to the girl. They make her angry that they hunt for pleasure and so when she gets angry the magic finger puts a spell on them that has some very amusing consequences!

I'm not going to tell you what those consequences are as I don't want to give away the whole synopsis but I really enjoyed reading this story and being reunited with these characters even if it was only for a short amount of time as like I said before, the book is just over 50 pages long.

I loved the humour to Roald Dahl's writing and how he can tell such a simple story in such an imaginative way.

I can't decide whether I like that the girl with the magic finger is never named or whether I'd prefer it if she was but I like how Roald Dahl decided to do this as not a lot of stories can say they have an unnamed main character.

I definitely think the girl in this story and Matilda would get along really well as they both have magic powers and both have quite cheeky personalities. It would have been great to have read a book where these two characters meet to see how they would get along.

I'd definitely recommend this book to younger readers as it's fun and such a quick read. It's perfect for a bedtime story as it won't take that long to read however long enough to hopefully send them to sleep!

Overall I think this is a great little story and I really enjoyed reading it.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


Danny the Champion of the World by Roald Dahl - Review

Saturday 16 September 2017 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finished Danny the Champion of the World by Roald Dahl and enjoyed it but I wouldn't say it's one of my favourite Roald Dahl books.

If you don't know what this book is about, it's about a young boy called Danny who lives with his dad. His mother passed away so it's now only the two of them, and his dad owns a filling station. They don't have a lot of money but they are happy where they are and with what they have.

One night Danny wakes up in the night and realises his dad isn't there. He goes to try to look for him but can't find him anywhere. When he is eventually reunited with his dad he finds out that his dad used to like to go poaching back before Danny was born. And that was the first night he decided to go back to it.

Danny's dad tells him all about poaching and the best time to be able to catch the pheasants as well as when's best to avoid the Keepers, and before long Danny really wants to go with his dad to poach as well.

Mr Victor Hazell is the man who has all of the pheasants and once a year he holds a public event for people to come round and poach for themselves. Danny and his dad don't particularly like Mr Victor Hazell however and come up with a fascinating plan on how to ruin his day!

This story is really funny in certain sections and really entertaining, so although I said it isn't one of my favourite Roald Dahl books I did still enjoy reading it.

I love the connection between Danny and his dad and you can really tell they have a fantastic relationship from the very beginning. They support each other through thick and thin and just want whats best for each other.

I also loved how Danny, although he is so young, is quite grown up for his age and knows how to do much much more than most children his age. He looks after his dad if he needs help and he knows how to do a lot of jobs not many children his age would know how to do. It makes him quite an interesting character and as well as that he is just such a lovely boy.

I did think this story dragged a little bit in places however and I felt my mind wandering some of the time but I'm still glad I reread this book and the characters made the story a lot more entertaining as I felt the story could get a bit slow some of the time.

Roald Dahl's writing style once again didn't disappoint however and the way he writes his dialogue I think is perfect for younger readers but older readers can also get a laugh out of it as well.

I'd definitely recommend this to younger readers like I do with all Roald Dahl books I've read and I'm sure this will be somebody's favourite story somewhere in the world. It just wasn't one of my favourites.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


A Series of Unfortunate Events. The Miserable Mill by Lemony Snicket - Review

Monday 11 September 2017 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've just finished A Series of Unfortunate Events. The Miserable Mill by Lemony Snicket which is the 4th book in the series. I have to say I think this is one of my favourites so far! If you haven't read the books before this one in the series and don't want to be spoilt stop reading now!

In this section of the series the Baudelaire orphans have to go stay in Paltryville in the Lucky Smells Lumbermill. Of course the orphans are always weary of their surroundings because they never know when Count Olaf is going to make an appearance.

At the Mill they are made to work, even little Sunny who is only a baby. They are worked so hard and only get a piece of gum for lunch on their 5 minute lunch break. So as you can tell, their time at the Mill was not going to be a happy one, just like all of the other places they've had to spend their time in the last few books.

As the story goes on, although the children are around some people that treat them terribly, they realise that Count Olaf still hasn't made an appearance, and they aren't sure whether this makes them feel slightly more relaxed or completely on edge as they know he must be somewhere lurking.

But sure enough when Klaus returns from getting his glasses fixed hypnotised, Violet and Sunny know that Count Olaf must have something to do with it. So when Klaus ends up breaking his glasses for the second time, they go with him to get them fixed...and sure enough a figure they never wanted to see is lurking just around the corner.

I loved this part of the story and like I said before I think this is possibly one of my favourite books so far. I really liked how Count Olaf wasn't in the story from early on and only turned up nearer the end but even though this was the case, you could still feel his presence through the uneasiness of the Baudelaire orphans.

I loved that the children weren't just staying with a 'guardian' in this story as well and instead they were also working for a business. This gave this book something different to the previous books I've read so far. I think this is exactly what the series needed as well as it felt like a break from the normal kind of story Lemony Snicket writes for the children.

I loved Charles who was one of the partners in the Mill. He was really lovely to the children and although he was a bit useless sometimes, he still wanted to help the children and keep them safe. I also loved that one child (Klaus) had a more featured role in this book as so far they've all been pretty even as they've stuck together. Even though they stuck together through this story, Klaus found himself on his own when he smashed his glasses and that's where his independent role really began.

I really enjoyed this element to the story and I'm super excited to read the next book in the series, The Austere Academy as the children will be spending their time in a boarding school which I find really interesting to read about.

I definitely recommend this series as I find it so unique and its perfect for younger readers as well as older readers.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


In Order to Live by Yeonmi Park - Review

Saturday 9 September 2017 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finished In Order to Live by Yeonmi Park and it was incredible. She is such an inspirational woman and I'm so glad I have read her story.

If you don't know what this book is about, it's a true story of Yeonmi Park's escape from North Korea. Her life in North Korea was awful and the way North Korea is run is horrendous so Yeonmi's mother knew she had to get herself and her family out. They couldn't afford much at all and so food was rationed between the family leaving them with next to nothing to live on making them ill.

Yeonmi's sister also tries to escape however not with Yeonmi and her mother and this causes the family to be apart for years, leaving Yeonmi to think she's never going to see her sister ever again. They cross the boarder over to China thinking their lives will be better over there but they end up being victims of human trafficking splitting them up for a while.

We are also taken through their jouney to South Korea and how they are originally treat over there until they are allowed to have freedom. The idea that freedom isn't a thing worldwide is saddining and needs to be changed. 

This story is heartbreaking yet incredible and like I said before Yeonmi is such an inspirational woman and has done so well with her life since managing to escape from North Korea. Her support for her family is amazing and even when she was desperate, she still put her family before herself doing anything she could to ensure that they were safe.

The chapters when Yeonmi and her mother were in China and were victims of human trafficking are awful and to think people actually go through this is sickening. These are things that shouldn't even exist never mind be actually happening.

Reading this has taught me a lot about North Korea and I'm fascinated to learn more about their culture as I can't understand at all how North Korea is run and maybe I'll never understand as it's not even something I could imagine. I just hope one day that the world will be a much more peaceful place.

I think this is a book that everyone needs to read at some point in their lives as it really puts into perspective just how lucky we are and how we definitely take the little things for granted. Like I said before I'm so glad I have read Yeonmi's story and I hope she carries on inspiring people all over the world.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


September TBR 2017 | BookTube

Thursday 7 September 2017 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

I have for you my September TBR and I'm super excited about it! I'm being really optimistic again thinking I can get all of these books read this month but I hope I get around to a good amount of them anyway! I hope you have lots of books on your TBR list this month that you're excited about and I hope you enjoy the video!

Happy Reading!!!


August Wrap Up 2017 | BookTube

Monday 4 September 2017 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've just posted my August Wrap Up and I'm happy with everything I read even though I didn't get round to reading everything I wanted to...surprise surprise! I hope you've read some amazing books in August and I hope you enjoy the video!

Happy Reading!!!


Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator by Roald Dahl - Review

Thursday 31 August 2017 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finished Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator by Roald Dahl and really enjoyed it, however not as much as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

In this part of the story we follow Charlie and his journey back to the chocolate factory after picking up his family in the Great Glass Elevator. However things don't quite go to plan and they end up in space. Here they notice something in the distance which they soon discover is the Space Hotel. They decide to give it a visit not realising that they are putting themselves in a lot of danger by doing this.

Inside the Space Hotel are creatures that, to say the least, aren't very welcoming! And it isn't long before Willy Wonka, Charlie and his family are running for their lives back to the Great Glass Elevator. Also the whole of America are watching them including the Government!

Once they eventually get back down to Earth and into the chocolate factory, they learn about a new ageing pill that Willy Wonka has created. Each pill knocks off 20 years. The grandparents decide to take these pills however they don't listen to Willy Wonka's instructions of only taking one or two and instead take four which turns them into infants...or in one case, makes them disappear all together!

That's all I'm going to say on the synopsis as I don't want to give everything away but this was definitely a fun book to read and I couldn't remember much about it at all from the first time round so it was like reading it for the first time again.

Although I did enjoy this book, I didn't like it as much as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I thought there was a definite split in the storyline half way through and it didn't seem to flow well for me. I liked both parts of the story however but I just wished they would have flowed better together instead of it feeling like two different stories.

I loved reading about Willy Wonka, Charlie and his family again as I love all of these characters. The grandparents always make me laugh and Willy Wonka is such an unusual character but a one I love to read about as he is so unique. I also love Charlie as he is such a sweet boy and just wants what's right for everyone.

The writing was once again perfect for younger readers however older readers can definitely get a laugh and smile out of this story as well. I definitely recommend it if you want to relive your childhood a little!

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl - Review

Wednesday 30 August 2017 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've just finished rereading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl and I loved it! It's such a fun children's story and I'm glad I've been able to revisit this story and these characters.

If somehow you don't know what Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is about (where have you been your whole life?!?!?), it's about a little boy called Charlie who is very poor. His family don't have a lot at all and they live off very little food as they can't afford enough to properly feed everyone in their household.

However one day on the news the family sees that the very famous chocolatier Willy Wonka has placed 5 Golden Tickets under the wrappers of 5 ordinary Wonka Bars around the world and the 5 lucky finders of these tickets will visit the chocolate factory for one whole day!

Unfortunately for Charlie he only gets one Wonka Bar each year (on his birthday) as himself and his family can't afford to buy them all of the time. So for Charlie, the chances of him finding a Golden Ticket are incredibly unlikely. However when he finds some money on the street, he runs straight to the shop to buy a Wonka Bar, and low and behold the final Golden Ticket is inside!

So Charlie and the 4 other children (who are all incredibly spoilt and repulsive little children, nothing like Charlie at all) all go to the chocolate factory for one whole day and while there see the most amazing sites! However not all the children are sensible and so they are disappearing all of the time.

What they don't realise is that not only will they all receive a lifetimes supply of chocolate, but one lucky child will also receive a present that is beyond their wildest imaginations!

I loved this story so much and like I said before, I'm so glad I revisited it. It's such a fantastic, imaginative story and nobody could have told it better than Roald Dahl himself. The imagination this author has is incredible and he is definitely one of my all time favourite children's authors.

I love how each of the characters in this story have their own personalities and even though a lot of them are horrible and spoilt, you can't help but love reading about them. They made me laugh at how stupid they were and it was great to see that they all got what was coming to them in the end.

Charlie Bucket is one of the sweetest characters I've ever read about. He isn't like the other children at all. He is such a lovely and kind boy and is so generous. He even tries to share his birthday chocolate with him family even though he only gets one bar a year as that's all they can afford.

Willy Wonka is such a unique character and has such different qualities about him. He is quirky and funny and a bit silly which sounds like characteristics a lot of people can have, but he's written in such a way that makes him so different I don't think I'll ever find a character like him.

The storyline is also so fun and engaging and had me smiling and laughing throughout. It's such a perfect children's story but also fantastic for adults to revisit and relive their childhood.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


A Series of Unfortunate Events. The Wide Window - Review

Thursday 24 August 2017 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finished A Series of Unfortunate Events. The Wide Window by Lemony Snicket which is the third book in the Series of Unfortunate Events series. I really enjoyed this book however I don't think I enjoyed it as much as the first two. If you don't want to be spoilt for the series then stop reading now.

In this part of the series we see the Baudelaire orphans go to live with their Aunt Josephine. Aunt Josephine is obsessed with grammar but also completely terrified of most things including using the door handles to open doors and the Lachrymose Leaches!

While the Baudelaire's spend their time with Aunt Josephine they try to help her get over her fears by taking her to the town centre to buy their food. There they meet a man who says he's called Captain Sham however the Baudelaire's aren't fooled and know straight away that it is the horrible man that keeps trying to steal their fortune...Count Olaf.

That's all I'm going to say on the synopsis but I did enjoy reading this story and I love reading about the Baudelaire orphans as they have such a close connection with each other and once again I could really sense the support they give to each other.

It was also even more apparent in this story that they really are a team and it was the first time that I think they fully noticed that themselves. Without each other they would have much less chance in escaping the awful Count Olaf.

In the film I love Aunt Josephine however I'm not sure I liked her as much in the book. I think her character works better as an on screen character rather than someone to read about. I found her way too repetitive and she started to annoy me by around half way through the story.

I think Count Olaf's character (Captain Sham) was quite a strong character and I think I liked him just as much as I liked his character in the previous book (Stefano). He was quirky and funny and of course as devious as ever!

The writing style does get quite repetitive at times so that can get a little annoying however I do really like Lemony Snicket's writing and I'll always love this series as it was one of my childhood favourites.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas - Review

Thursday 17 August 2017 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finally finished A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas after what feels like a lifetime! I did enjoy this book but I found it hard work to get through at the same time. This is the second book in the A Court of Thorns and Roses series so if you don't want to be spoilt stop reading now!

In A Court of Mist and Fury we are introduced back into the story 3 months after the events that happened in A Court of Thorns and Roses. Feyre is in the Spring Court with Tamlin and they are engaged to be married. However when Tamlin begins leaving Feyre out of the loop and is telling her she has to stay hidden to ensure she is safe, Feyre wonders how all of this is ever going to work and realises that the mating bond still hasn't formed between the two of them.

On the day of the wedding Feyre decides she is way too ill to make any life-changing decisions and pleas in her head for someone to come and get her out of the situation she is in. This is when Rhysand shows up and whisks her away to the Night Court but Tamlin doesn't try to stop him.

While in the Night Court Feyre is informed that there is a war coming that will separate the Fae world from the Mortal world. Rhysand also wants Feyre to try to get Tamlin to fight in the Night Court and realises that Feyre actually might have a lot more power than she is aware of.

That's all I'm going to say about the synopsis as I don't want to give too much away but like I said before, I enjoyed reading this book and it was definitely action packed but I found that it was a difficult book to get through.

I had to keep looking back at the summaries online to make sure I'd understood things when I read them and that slowed down my reading process. I also found that there were so many more characters to learn about and keep up with in this story which proved to be challenging.

However I did still really like reading about some of the characters such as Feyre and Rhysand. I think they were really strong characters and had so much depth to them. I also felt myself getting attached to these two characters even more in this book whereas the other characters I didn't feel too much about.

The descriptive writing once again was great in this part of the series and so picturing locations was again quite easy. I just found the storyline to be a lot to take on and unfortunately that did hinder my enjoyment of the story a little bit.

Overall I would recommend this to readers who love high fantasy and are slightly older as there are some topics in this that aren't suitable to younger readers. It was a good read, just a little bit too much hard work for my liking.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


Dance Fiction 2017 | BookTube

Tuesday 15 August 2017 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today I have for you a slightly different video. Over the past few months I've been working on setting up a children's dance class that revolved around bringing well-known children's stories to life. I've wanted to do this for such a long time so I'm so happy I'm finally getting around to doing it. So that is what I'll be talking to you about today! I hope you like my idea!


Happy Reading!!!


August TBR 2017 | BookTube

Thursday 10 August 2017 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today I have for you my August TBR! And once again it's really optimistic! But these are the books I plan on reading soon anyway. Enjoy!

Happy Reading!!!


July Wrap Up 2017 | BookTube

Monday 7 August 2017 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today I have for you my July Wrap Up. I didn't get everything read I wanted to but I did still read a fair amount so I'm going to share my thoughts on them today with you. So I hope you enjoy the video and I'll speak to you all very soon!

Happy Reading!!!


July Book Haul 2017 | BookTube

Friday 4 August 2017 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today I have for you my July Book Haul...yes I've been buying more books after I said I wasn't going to in my last haul which was just last month...oops! But I'm really excited to show you them anyway so I hope you enjoy the video!

Happy Reading!!!
