We Were Liars by E. Lockhart - Review

Thursday 5 October 2017

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I finished reading We Were Liars by E. Lockhart and I did enjoy it but nowhere near as much as I was hoping to. This book gets a lot of hype and I think my expectations were just too high going into it.

I can't really explain too much about what this book is about without spoiling it so I'll just say that it's about a girl and her family and friends, and there is something mysterious happening where the girl feels like she is being lied to and everyone apart from her seem to know what's happening/what has happened.

Like I said I can't really talk about this book in detail without spoiling things so that's all I'm going to say about the synopsis.

I thought that this book began quite well and I was engaged quite quickly however I did struggle working out who each character was and how they were linked to the main character. There was so many people to follow and even though there is a family tree right at the beginning of the book I still struggled with keeping up. This did hinder my enjoyment to the story a bit as I love to get attached to characters but this wasn't something I was able to do in this story.

I found the writing style to be something a bit new to me. Although I found it fairly poetic this was also something that took me a while to get used to. Once I was used to it however I did start to enjoy this element to the book a lot more.

The ending of the story I really enjoyed and this was what brought my final rating up a little bit. I found that the build up to what was happening exciting and I wanted to know what was going to happen as quickly as possible. And when I did find out I thought it was a good finale to the story.

Overall I did have quite a few issues with this book and I do think it gets a little bit too much hype, however I can also understand why other people might love this book. I'd recommend it if you like mystery elements to stories but be warned that keeping up with the characters can be quite tricky!

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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