My Secret Unicorn. A Special Friend by Linda Chapman - Review

Monday 20 November 2017

Hello Book Lovers!!!

This is a slightly different book you might not have expected me to read however since starting Dance Fiction, reading children's books is something I now have to do more of (and I'm certainly not complaining about it!). So the next book I read in November was My Secret Unicorn. A Special Friend by Linda Chapman.

This is about a girl called Lauren who has a pony that can turn into a unicorn. She goes to the stables where she notices another pony that looks just like her pony and wonders whether that pony can also turn into a unicorn.

She then meets Michael, a boy that loves this pony more than anything in the world. Lauren decides to give Michael a book on unicorns to try to persuade him that they are real but he isn't too convinced. Lauren tries to work out a way to show Michael that unicorns do really exist and that the pony he loves so very much could in fact also be a unicorn!

This is such a magical children's story and brings your imagination right out. The writing is easy to follow and is perfect for younger readers. The illustrations also help separate the writing out so there isn't too much writing on one page all the time. They also help bring the story to life and although they weren't my favourite illustrations as the art style isn't something I enjoy that much, I still thought they were a good extra to the story.

We got to know the characters really well quickly and so following who was who was easy. I really liked how Lauren and Michael became such good friends just from their love of horses and you really see a development in their friendship as the story goes on.

I think the middle part of the story could have had a bit more to it as it did drag on for a bit there but I still recommend this to younger readers as it is great for imagination and if you love unicorns then you're probably going to love this!

I'm excited to bring this story to life through dance with Dance Fiction as I've not yet done a unicorn story so it will be interesting to see how it goes!

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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