Danny the Champion of the World by Roald Dahl - Review

Saturday 16 September 2017

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finished Danny the Champion of the World by Roald Dahl and enjoyed it but I wouldn't say it's one of my favourite Roald Dahl books.

If you don't know what this book is about, it's about a young boy called Danny who lives with his dad. His mother passed away so it's now only the two of them, and his dad owns a filling station. They don't have a lot of money but they are happy where they are and with what they have.

One night Danny wakes up in the night and realises his dad isn't there. He goes to try to look for him but can't find him anywhere. When he is eventually reunited with his dad he finds out that his dad used to like to go poaching back before Danny was born. And that was the first night he decided to go back to it.

Danny's dad tells him all about poaching and the best time to be able to catch the pheasants as well as when's best to avoid the Keepers, and before long Danny really wants to go with his dad to poach as well.

Mr Victor Hazell is the man who has all of the pheasants and once a year he holds a public event for people to come round and poach for themselves. Danny and his dad don't particularly like Mr Victor Hazell however and come up with a fascinating plan on how to ruin his day!

This story is really funny in certain sections and really entertaining, so although I said it isn't one of my favourite Roald Dahl books I did still enjoy reading it.

I love the connection between Danny and his dad and you can really tell they have a fantastic relationship from the very beginning. They support each other through thick and thin and just want whats best for each other.

I also loved how Danny, although he is so young, is quite grown up for his age and knows how to do much much more than most children his age. He looks after his dad if he needs help and he knows how to do a lot of jobs not many children his age would know how to do. It makes him quite an interesting character and as well as that he is just such a lovely boy.

I did think this story dragged a little bit in places however and I felt my mind wandering some of the time but I'm still glad I reread this book and the characters made the story a lot more entertaining as I felt the story could get a bit slow some of the time.

Roald Dahl's writing style once again didn't disappoint however and the way he writes his dialogue I think is perfect for younger readers but older readers can also get a laugh out of it as well.

I'd definitely recommend this to younger readers like I do with all Roald Dahl books I've read and I'm sure this will be somebody's favourite story somewhere in the world. It just wasn't one of my favourites.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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