All That She Can See by Carrie Hope Fletcher - Review

Friday 25 May 2018

Hello Book Lovers!!!

A few days ago I finished All The She Can See by Carrie Hope Fletcher, my third and final book of the Bout of Books 22 ReadAThon! I really enjoyed this book but did have some problems with it.

If you don't know what this book is about, it's about a girl called Cherry who has a secret talent; she can see people's negative emotions but in physical form. Her friend from when she was 7 also had the same talent however he was taken away because of this and she hasn't seen him since.

Cherry also has a love for baking and soon finds out she can put positive feelings into her cakes to make her customers feel better about themselves. Of course nobody knows what Cherry is doing but because of their love for Cherry and her baking they always come back for more which in turn is helping the neighborhood become a happier place.

But then a guy called Chase comes along and realizes what Cherry has been doing as he also has the same talent, however he can see the positive emotions, not the negative ones. So he goes out to try to stop Cherry succeeding in her business by creating his own business doing a similar thing but with alcohol.

I really did enjoy this book and the characters within it and I love the magical realism elements to this story. Carrie's books are always unlike any other books I have read and I never know what to expect when going into one of her stories.

I loved the baking element to this story and coffee shops and the close neighborhood setting as I always find it to be really cosy. Those things always just create such a warm atmosphere and even when things aren't exactly going right, the story is still able to keep that cosy warm feel.

I loved the characters in this story, even Chase who isn't exactly the nicest person in the world, well to start with at least! He has a funny way with words so even when he isn't being very nice, he still has a humor about him that keeps you entertained. I also loved Cherry and her want to try to make everyone as happy as they can be. She has such a loving, caring nature and someone I'd definitely want to meet had she been real.

The one problem I had with this was the ending. I felt it was a bit too open ended for me and although I sometimes like open ended books I felt like this one didn't pack the same punch other books with open ends I have read have had. I just found it to be a bit disappointing however it does leave it open for a possible sequel which I'd love to see.

Overall I did really enjoy the story and the characters and the atmosphere this book created and I would definitely recommend it to anyone that is looking for a cosy read with magical realism and a clever take on bringing emotions to life...literally!

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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