Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator by Roald Dahl - Review

Thursday 31 August 2017

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finished Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator by Roald Dahl and really enjoyed it, however not as much as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

In this part of the story we follow Charlie and his journey back to the chocolate factory after picking up his family in the Great Glass Elevator. However things don't quite go to plan and they end up in space. Here they notice something in the distance which they soon discover is the Space Hotel. They decide to give it a visit not realising that they are putting themselves in a lot of danger by doing this.

Inside the Space Hotel are creatures that, to say the least, aren't very welcoming! And it isn't long before Willy Wonka, Charlie and his family are running for their lives back to the Great Glass Elevator. Also the whole of America are watching them including the Government!

Once they eventually get back down to Earth and into the chocolate factory, they learn about a new ageing pill that Willy Wonka has created. Each pill knocks off 20 years. The grandparents decide to take these pills however they don't listen to Willy Wonka's instructions of only taking one or two and instead take four which turns them into infants...or in one case, makes them disappear all together!

That's all I'm going to say on the synopsis as I don't want to give everything away but this was definitely a fun book to read and I couldn't remember much about it at all from the first time round so it was like reading it for the first time again.

Although I did enjoy this book, I didn't like it as much as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I thought there was a definite split in the storyline half way through and it didn't seem to flow well for me. I liked both parts of the story however but I just wished they would have flowed better together instead of it feeling like two different stories.

I loved reading about Willy Wonka, Charlie and his family again as I love all of these characters. The grandparents always make me laugh and Willy Wonka is such an unusual character but a one I love to read about as he is so unique. I also love Charlie as he is such a sweet boy and just wants what's right for everyone.

The writing was once again perfect for younger readers however older readers can definitely get a laugh and smile out of this story as well. I definitely recommend it if you want to relive your childhood a little!

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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