Missing You by Harlen Coben - Review

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Hello Book Lovers!!!

Sorry I've not posted this week, I've been here there and everywhere, but on Saturday I go home for good so I should have more time to read :) I've eventually finished Missing You by Harlen Coben and I wasn't as impressed as I thought I was going to be.

This novel is about a woman called Kat. Her friend Stacy sets up an account on a dating sight for Kat to try and find her a man. Kat soon discovers a profile of her ex Jeff from 18 years ago. She decides to contact him, only to find he doesn't seem to remember her.

Kat is a Detective and finds Jeff's behaviour in his messages odd and so looks into them further, finally deciding something is definitely not right. Is Jeff who he says he is or is something being covered up?

A boy named Brandon goes to see Kat about his mother that went on holiday with a man she had met online. His mother had not returned from the holiday but Brandon had received texts off her saying she was fine, although these messages seemed odd to Brandon, leading him to speak to Kat.

Once Kat starts investigating both of these cases, she notices links between them and soon starts to unravel clues as to where Brandon's mother is, and just who Jeff on the dating website is.

I thought this book was a little slow as nothing much seemed to happen for a lot of the book. I also didn't seem to get attached to the characters and found it difficult to picture them as the character's appearances weren't really described.

Further into the book when things are being revealed, the story does start to become more exciting and I felt at these points I didn't want to put the book down. It just took me a while to get to this stage.

I would recommend this to anyone that likes crime novels, but not younger readers as there are some rather graffic scenes during the story. Overall I think this book was a good read when it eventually got into the exciting parts, but it just took too long to get there.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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