A Series of Unfortunate Events. The Wide Window - Review

Thursday 24 August 2017

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finished A Series of Unfortunate Events. The Wide Window by Lemony Snicket which is the third book in the Series of Unfortunate Events series. I really enjoyed this book however I don't think I enjoyed it as much as the first two. If you don't want to be spoilt for the series then stop reading now.

In this part of the series we see the Baudelaire orphans go to live with their Aunt Josephine. Aunt Josephine is obsessed with grammar but also completely terrified of most things including using the door handles to open doors and the Lachrymose Leaches!

While the Baudelaire's spend their time with Aunt Josephine they try to help her get over her fears by taking her to the town centre to buy their food. There they meet a man who says he's called Captain Sham however the Baudelaire's aren't fooled and know straight away that it is the horrible man that keeps trying to steal their fortune...Count Olaf.

That's all I'm going to say on the synopsis but I did enjoy reading this story and I love reading about the Baudelaire orphans as they have such a close connection with each other and once again I could really sense the support they give to each other.

It was also even more apparent in this story that they really are a team and it was the first time that I think they fully noticed that themselves. Without each other they would have much less chance in escaping the awful Count Olaf.

In the film I love Aunt Josephine however I'm not sure I liked her as much in the book. I think her character works better as an on screen character rather than someone to read about. I found her way too repetitive and she started to annoy me by around half way through the story.

I think Count Olaf's character (Captain Sham) was quite a strong character and I think I liked him just as much as I liked his character in the previous book (Stefano). He was quirky and funny and of course as devious as ever!

The writing style does get quite repetitive at times so that can get a little annoying however I do really like Lemony Snicket's writing and I'll always love this series as it was one of my childhood favourites.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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