The Magpies by Mark Edwards - Review

Wednesday 1 November 2017

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've just finished The Magpies by Mark Edwards (I'm classing it as an October read as I read most of it during that month) and I really enjoyed it and how real it was.

The Magpies is about a couple (Kirsty and Jamie) who move into their dream flat. They are very excited about the move and love meeting all of their new neighbours when they get there. Two of their neighbours are Lucy and Chris who they invite round to dinner and plan a day trip Go Karting.

However as time goes on, Kirsty and Jamie start to notice strange things happening, including a dead rat being left on their doorstep and strange deliveries turning up at their flat that they haven't ordered. They begin to suspect Lucy and Chris and even more so when their friend Paul ends up in a coma after a Go Karting accident that Chris was involved in.

I really enjoyed the intensity of this story and how real it was. I liked that it was a story in which these things could actually happen to someone as that made it a lot more intense and made me think a lot more about getting my own place and the problems some people can have with 'nightmare neighbours'.

The characters in this story also seemed very real and each had their own separate lives and personalities. I felt like we got to know each of the characters in depth quite quickly and that made it easy to follow the story and how each character was linked.

The writing style was also easy to follow and I enjoyed that just as you thought things were settling down, something happened that spun the whole plot out of control once again. It kept me on edge and I was constantly wanting to know what was going to happen. It actually got to the point where I felt like I was getting impatient because I just wanted to know everything instantly.

Overall I think this is a great read for if you're wanting something intense but also something very real, however I don't recommend this to younger readers as their are some topics not suitable for a younger age range and some of the scenes could be quite disturbing to younger readers as well.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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