A Series of Unfortunate Events. The Miserable Mill by Lemony Snicket - Review

Monday 11 September 2017

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've just finished A Series of Unfortunate Events. The Miserable Mill by Lemony Snicket which is the 4th book in the series. I have to say I think this is one of my favourites so far! If you haven't read the books before this one in the series and don't want to be spoilt stop reading now!

In this section of the series the Baudelaire orphans have to go stay in Paltryville in the Lucky Smells Lumbermill. Of course the orphans are always weary of their surroundings because they never know when Count Olaf is going to make an appearance.

At the Mill they are made to work, even little Sunny who is only a baby. They are worked so hard and only get a piece of gum for lunch on their 5 minute lunch break. So as you can tell, their time at the Mill was not going to be a happy one, just like all of the other places they've had to spend their time in the last few books.

As the story goes on, although the children are around some people that treat them terribly, they realise that Count Olaf still hasn't made an appearance, and they aren't sure whether this makes them feel slightly more relaxed or completely on edge as they know he must be somewhere lurking.

But sure enough when Klaus returns from getting his glasses fixed hypnotised, Violet and Sunny know that Count Olaf must have something to do with it. So when Klaus ends up breaking his glasses for the second time, they go with him to get them fixed...and sure enough a figure they never wanted to see is lurking just around the corner.

I loved this part of the story and like I said before I think this is possibly one of my favourite books so far. I really liked how Count Olaf wasn't in the story from early on and only turned up nearer the end but even though this was the case, you could still feel his presence through the uneasiness of the Baudelaire orphans.

I loved that the children weren't just staying with a 'guardian' in this story as well and instead they were also working for a business. This gave this book something different to the previous books I've read so far. I think this is exactly what the series needed as well as it felt like a break from the normal kind of story Lemony Snicket writes for the children.

I loved Charles who was one of the partners in the Mill. He was really lovely to the children and although he was a bit useless sometimes, he still wanted to help the children and keep them safe. I also loved that one child (Klaus) had a more featured role in this book as so far they've all been pretty even as they've stuck together. Even though they stuck together through this story, Klaus found himself on his own when he smashed his glasses and that's where his independent role really began.

I really enjoyed this element to the story and I'm super excited to read the next book in the series, The Austere Academy as the children will be spending their time in a boarding school which I find really interesting to read about.

I definitely recommend this series as I find it so unique and its perfect for younger readers as well as older readers.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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