February 2015 Wrap Up

Saturday 28 February 2015 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

The time has arrived for another monthly wrap up!!! During the month of February I read 6 books and 1 graphic novel. This isn't quite as much as last month but I have read some slightly bigger books this month so I'm happy with that number :) I will obviously be giving 1 book the award for Favourite February Read as well so lets get started!!!

The first book I read in February was the graphic novel which was my first ever graphic novel and that was Fairest In All The Land by Bill Willingham.

I loved this graphic novel so much and it was a good one to start with as this is a stand alone. Fortunately for me there is now a series for this so I can't wait to get my hands on that as well as the Fables graphic novel series which is meant to be amazing!!! I gave this 5* on Goodreads.

The next book I read was Nights in Rodanthe by Nicholas Sparks. 

Again this was another novel that I thoroughly enjoyed this month so I definitely had a good start to the month. I gave it 4* on Goodreads.

The 3rd book I read was Landline by Rainbow Rowell. 

This brought my Rainbow Rowell journey to an end for now as I have read all of her novels. I loved this book, not as much as Eleanor and Park but I just love Rainbow Rowell's writing and I am super excited for Carry On, the Simon Snow fan fiction to be released this year. If you've read Fangirl you'll know what I'm talking about. I gave Landline 4* on Goodreads.

Next I went back to Nicholas Sparks and read Dear John.

I did enjoy this book but this is one that has been quite hyped up so naturally I went into this with high expectations and in my opinion, I don't see why it was as hyped up as much as it was. Now don't get me wrong, I did enjoy reading this story, it just wasn't one of my favourites and considering the hype it was given, I expected a bit more. I gave it 3* on Goodreads.

The 5th book I read in the month of February was Six Suspects by Vikas Swarup.

I did enjoy reading this book as I love murder mysteries but there was some things I didn't enjoy such as the length of the motives section and the ending of the book. I didn't think the book needed to be as long as it was but I liked that each stage of the murder mystery has its own section and I did like finding out about each of the suspects and how they were linked to one another. I gave this 3* on Goodreads.

The next book I read was Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery.

I loved this book so much. This was a reread for me and I'm so glad I did because Anne has to be one of my all time favourite fictional characters, if not, my favourite fictional character. I find this book so funny to read and I couldn't help but fall in love with some of the characters. I gave this book 5* on Goodreads.

And the final book I read in the month of January was Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll.

I loved reading about the history of this novel and where Alice's stories came from. I also liked reading about the inspirations for some of the characters as well as reading the actual stories and how Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was brought to theatre. I did find some of the sections quite long winded however and for that I gave this book 4* on Goodreads.

So that is it!!! We have got to the end of my February Wrap Up and now that I have done that I realise how much I have actually read and the variety of what I have read as well. I am mostly a contemporary reader but I got a couple of other genres into this month as well so I'm pleased with myself for doing that.

So it's now time for the award for Favourite February Read. And the award goes to.....Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery!!! I have no bad words to say about this book and I also really enjoyed the film adaptation.

So goodbye February and I will speak to you all again in March!!! Let me know in the comments below what reading plans you have for March and I will speak to you all very soon :)

Happy Reading!!!


Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by L. M. Montgomery - Review

Friday 27 February 2015 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've eventually finished this rather hefty book!!! It took me quite a while to get through as the text is pretty small and there are so many sections in this edition. Also there were pretty drawings to distract me from the reading...

The first few sections of this book were an introduction which discussed things such as the history behind Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass and then a biography about the creator. I found this very interesting to read and it was nice to find out some new information I didn't previously know about this well known tale. There were also notes on the text and discussions about the artwork for this novel which I found so interesting to read as it talks about the creation of the nonsense behind the story and how the characters were drawn like they were in the artwork.

The next section in this book was the story of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. As this is such a well known story I'm not going to go into the synopsis of it but I loved the nonsense of it and the drawings that were on some of the pages were just fantastic. It took me longer to read this section because I found myself looking at the drawings for ages!!! I think the ending is to sudden for me but I loved the way it was written and I looked forward to getting onto the next section of this book.

The next section was Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There. I did really enjoy this story as well but just not as much as Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. I loved all of the poetry that was included in this story and I think that added a unique element. I also loved Tweedledee and Tweedledum. They make me laugh so much, they are definitely my favourite characters in this story (the Cheshire Cat being my favourite in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland). Again this story was so full on nonsense and what I really love about these stories is that even if you get confused, it doesn't really matter because you are just being confused with Alice.

The next section of this book was actually two sections but the first one is super short so I'm putting two sections together. The first section was Introduction: Alice's Adventures Underground. I really enjoyed reading this section as it discussed the differences in the many publications and then it talked about the differences between Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Alice's Adventures Underground. There is one section that I really enjoyed reading and it has stuck in my head so I just want to share that with you now:

'At the heart of the book is not the Queen of Hearts, the homicidal matriarch who presides over the last chapter, but Alice, who in answer to the pigeon's question ("' What are you"') and challenge ("' I can see you're trying to invent something"') answers "' I'm a little girl"', but 'rather doubtfully, as she remembered the number of changes she had gone through'. And that of course is what the book is about, Alice's trying to invent herself as 'a little girl', in the face of the dizzying changes of size and context she undergoes underground. Alice's Adventures Underground offers a different, developmental narrative of Dodgson's invented story but also of Alice's fictional journey of growth and self -invention in a world of startling physical and biological transformations.'

I love how it talks about Alice's growth and her inventing herself as this is something that we all go through in life and so it is very relatable.

Straight after reading this section I read the whole of Alice's Adventures Underground which is the original version of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. This version is only 4 chapters long whereas the version we have all grown to love is 12 chapters long. Even though this is so much shorter, it still works and I loved reading it, the only thing I could fault about it is the fact the Cheshire Cat is not in this version and I love the Cheshire Cat!!!

We are getting onto the final sections of this book now...woohoo!!! The next section was "Alice" on the Stage. As a dancer I do lots of performances so it was nice to have this section talking about theatre in the book. I liked how it discussed the character development and the talents of the younger actors in the performance. Finding out how the theatre adaptation was brought to life was really interesting to read as I have never seen any theatre version of it (apart from when I was in the pantomime and played the Dormouse).

The final sections are of notes on both Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. I found these interesting to read as it discussed where some of the words came from and the inspirations for the novel but I did find this section pretty difficult to concentrate on. That could just be because I was super tired when I read it but it seemed pretty long winded.

And that brings us the the end of this very long review!!! Overall I really enjoyed reading each of the stories and finding out the history behind them and the inspirations etc. I would definitely recommend this edition to anyone that enjoys finding out the backgrounds to novels.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll

Sunday 22 February 2015 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

The next book I have decided to read is Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll. Now I thought the copy I have of this is awesome anyway because it has two stories in, not just the one, and of course, it's clothbound...so pretty!!! But I've just had a brief look through this copy and it also has introductions to the stories, and notes on the stories and also two extra stories!!! So many stories!!! Alice's Adventures Underground, and Alice on the Stage are the two extra stories and I actually have no idea what those are about but I can't wait to read them!!! If you want to read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland I highly recommend buying this copy as it has so much extra content. My boyfriend bought me this off the Waterstones website for £11.29 so it is slightly more expensive than your average book but so worth it!!!

Happy Reading!!!


Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery - Review

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finished Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery and once again absolutely loved it. It is just such a lovely read and Anne is definitely one of my most loved fictional characters, if not, my most loved fictional character.

The novel is about a young orphan girl who gets adopted by Marilla and Matthew, the owners of Green Gables. Although there was a mistake as Marilla and Matthew wanted a boy, they can't help but feel for this little girl and decide to let her stay with them at Green Gables. 

We follow Anne's new life and the mischief she gets into and we also get a vivid insight to her wild imagination. She also makes a new friend at Green Gables called Diana and they become the best of friends.

Anne and her imagination take you on wild adventures and if you don't fall in love with this character then I don't understand you!!! She had me laughing so much and I'm so glad I now have my own copy that I can read whenever I like.

I literally have nothing bad to say about this book and I can't wait to read the second book, Anne of Avonlea.

Rating /5

This book also has a film adaptation that I was a bit weary about watching as I fell so in love with the book and I don't usually love film adaptations as much as I love the books themselves. But luckily, I was pleasantly surprised :) I loved the film as well. It was a fantastic adaptation of L. M. Montgomery's novel and fell in love with the characters in the film just as much as I did with the characters in the book.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery

Tuesday 17 February 2015 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

So I've decided the next book I'm going to read (technically re-read) is Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery. I read my mum's copy of this book a few years ago and loved it so much so I'm so excited to have my own copy now :) I can't remember everything that happens but I just know that I loved it when I read it first time round so I'm super excited to read it again :)

Happy Reading!!!


Valentines Day Book Haul

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I thought that I would share the books I received of my fantabulous boyfriend for Valentines Day. All the books are classics which is fantastic as I have been wanting to read some classics for ages. I got 6 books, 5 of which of clothbound. Anyway, lets get on with it!!!

Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery

This as you can see is not a clothbound but still has a beautiful cover!!! I have read this book before a few years ago but it wasn't my copy so now having my own copy is just amazing as I enjoyed this book so much :) It is about a young orphan that makes friends, likes to explore, and gets herself into mischief :)

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll

Ok so we have a started on the clothbound classics now :) This story follows a girls adventures in Wonderland where she meets some hilarious and interesting characters :)

Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen

This is a story about a family that go to stay at a distant family members house and are left with an inheritance from a late relative. During their stay there they meet characters and from this, romance blossoms, until one of the girls discovers that the man she loves has actually been secretly engaged for 1 whole year!!!

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

This classic is based around a man named Lockwood that rents a manor house called Thrushcross Grange and meets the landlord of another manor house, Wuthering Heights. Lockwood's housekeeper tells him of her childhood around Wuthering Heights and ups and downs of growing up there. The story covers romance, tragedy, and everything in between!!!

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

I'm sure we all know of the story of Pride and Prejudice and the fascinating Mr Darcy, but believe it or not, I have neither read the novel or watched any of the film adaptations. (Bad Hannah!!!). It begins with Charles Bingley who rents the manor of Netherfield Park. This causes a bit of a stir around the neighbourhood especially for the Bennets. After meeting Mr Bingley, the Bennets attend a ball in which Mr Bingley is present. Also at the ball is Mr Darcy, who refuses to dance with Elizabeth Bennet, one of the daughters in the Bennet household. This makes him seem arrogant to the guests at the ball. Mr Darcy finds himself getting attached to Elizabeth however but because of Mr Darcy's arrogance and obnoxiousness at formal events, he doesn't win over Elizabeth's heart easily. 

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

And the final book I got for Valentines Day was this beauty!!! I have wanted to read this book ever since I read Jacqueline Wilson's Double Act as the twins in that book were obsessed with this story. This novel tells the story of 4 girls, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy and their struggle with living in poverty. During Christmas, the girls get invited to a party of one of their wealthy friends and while their Jo meets a boy. After Meg sprains her ankle, Laurie (the boy) takes the girls home but Jo finds herself going to visit Laurie while he is sick. All of the girls have their separate adventures and we follow each of their stories, their ups, their downs, and their tragedies.

So that is all the books I received for Valentines Day!!! I am so happy with my gifts and I am so grateful to my boyfriend who helps me fund my book obsessions during certain times of the year :p He also got me a Narwhal called Nelson which is just so awesome!!!

I hope you all had a wonderful Valentines Day whatever you did :)


Six Suspects by Vikas Swarup - Review

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I have eventually finished Six Suspects by Vikas Swarup. I did enjoy most of the book but it was very long winded which I didn't think was needed and I'm not sure I liked the ending, it kind of annoyed me.

The novel is a murder mystery and follows the lives of 6 suspects (hence the title). We find out that each of these people end up having some sort of link to Vicky Rai, the murder victim. As well as them all having a link to Vicky Rai, some also have a link to each other which develops throughout the novel.

It is written in a way in which there are 6 sections:

The motives section of this book was definitely way to long winded for my liking and the chapters were huge!!! As for the other sections of the book I enjoyed reading those and I thought the introduction to the novel (The Murder Section) was well written and engaged me quickly.

The ending of the book definitely made the rest of the book seem a little pointless though which I think annoyed me the most although I did like finding out the traits of each character and their links to the murder victim. If you have read this novel then definitely leave a comment below and let me know what you thought of the ending.

I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone under the age of 16 as it covers some hard hitting topics which I don't think are suitable for younger readers. I would however recommend this book to older readers that like to get their nose stuck in a murder mystery novel. If you don't like to have to think too much when reading though, I don't think this book is for you.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


Six Suspects by Vikas Swarup

Thursday 12 February 2015 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

So I've decided my next read is going to be Six Suspects by Vikas Swarup. This is by the same author that wrote Q & A (aka Slumdog Millionaire). This novel is a murder mystery so different to what I have been reading recently but I usually really enjoy murder mystery novels so I'm looking forward to reading this one :) I will just mention that this book is pretty chunky so my review might take a little longer to post as it's going to take me longer to read.

Happy Reading!!!


Dear John by Nicholas Sparks - Review

Wednesday 11 February 2015 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I have finished Dear John and I have to say it's not what I expected at all. I did enjoy it but I wouldn't say it's one of my favourite Nicholas Sparks reads. I just felt that it was a really slow start and the character developed wasn't as good as some of his other characters in previous novels of his that I've read.

The book follows the life of a guy called John and he finds himself falling in love with a girl named Savannah. They end up creating a really strong bond but unfortunately because of John being in the army he has to go away a lot. 

Savannah and John exchange letters while they are apart and through this manage to keep their relationship going until John receives a letter off Savannah that breaks his heart. 

After a few years of being away with the army, John returns home to take care of his dad that is sick. After some time he goes to visit Savannah but will this spark their relationship off again?

I won't say any more as there are so many spoilers but that is the brief overview if you are interested in reading it :) Like I said before, I did enjoy this book but I do think that if there was more of a story from Savannah's perspective, not just John's, the character development would have been a lot clearer and I may have felt more attached to both of them. I also think that Nicholas Sparks could have made a lot more out the the army scenes.

Rating /5

As well as the book, there is also a film adaptation which of course I watched after reading the novel. It wasn't completely true to the book as there were a few things that were different but it still worked for a film. Again though I didn't think too much of it. It was ok but nothing that made me think wow that was amazing!!! I did enjoy how the film showed more of Savannah's perspective so I felt that I could connect to her more in the film than I could the book. The film was similar to the book for me in how I felt about it so for that:

Film Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


Dear John by Nicholas Sparks

Monday 9 February 2015 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

You may have noticed I've had a few days off reading. I've had my friend Shannan of sunshinebutterfliesandbooks.co.uk visit me at uni so I have not read anything for a few days.

And I know I know, I'm Nicholas Sparks obsessed, but I still have a few more of his books to read including Dear John. This book also has a film adaptation which I will obviously watch after I have read the book. After reading the synopsis, it seems to be a rather hard hitting read and has some sort of link to the disaster of 9/11. I'm really looking forward to reading this book as of all of the Nicholas Sparks books I read and I hope he lives up to my expectations; he hasn't let me down so far!!!

Happy Reading!!!


Landline by Rainbow Rowell - Review

Thursday 5 February 2015 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I have finished Landline in 3 sittings (it would have been two but I had to go to uni -_-). I loved this book and once again Rainbow Rowell's writing was just so funny. One of the best elements for me was the amount of references to different films and books she had in there. For example, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Disney, Star Wars, and probably lots more :) 

The synopsis of the novel is based around a lady called Georgie who is married and has 2 children. Unfortunately her job is going to stop her from spending time with her family this Christmas, she has to stay at home, and her husband Neal and children go to Neal's mums house.

During this time Georgie discovers an old yellow phone in her old room in her mums house and tries to ring Neal from it only to find out that this phone allows her to talk to Neal from before they got married and had children. Even before Neal's dad passed away. 

This makes Georgie think about whether she made the right decision marrying Neal or was there someone else she was meant to spend the rest of her life with?

This novel had me hooked throughout and the characters personalities were very well developed. The way in which Rainbow Rowell writes dialogue is always fantastic and I can't wait for her next novel to reach the shelves!!!

Happy Reading!!!


Landline by Rainbow Rowell

Wednesday 4 February 2015 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

The next novel I will be reading is Landline by the fantastic Rainbow Rowell!!! I've already read Fangirl. Eleanor and Park, and Attachments  and I loved them all so this makes me super excited to get started on this one!!!

Happy Reading!!!


Nights in Rodanthe by Nicholas Sparks - Review

Tuesday 3 February 2015 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I have literally whizzed through this book!!! It was a fairly short book but it was just so beautifully written I found it hard to put down. Once again Nicholas Sparks has not let me down. 

This novel is based around a women that has divorced who goes to look after a guest house of one of her friends while she is away. During this time, a man stays at the guest house and over the course of a super short time they a friendship starts to build. 

I'm not going to tell you anything else about the synopsis but lets just say the ending is heartbreaking yet beautifully written and this is definitely a book I want to re-read at some point. Loved it!!!

Rating /5

As well as the novel, this also has a film adaptation that I watched after reading the book. I actually quite enjoyed this version of the novel although as usual there were some things that I didn't enjoy so much. One of these things was the development of the romance, it just didn't really happen. It went from not knowing each other at all to complete affection whereas in the book there was a fantastic development that was written so well. Also the personality of the main guy in the story was a little aggressive for my liking.

Other than those points I did quite enjoy the film and therefore my rating isn't too low :)

Rating /5

Nights in Rodanthe by Nicholas Sparks

Monday 2 February 2015 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

Ok ok, I know, another Nicholas Sparks book, but I still have another 3 after this one on my shelf and another 4 or so I think to read that I haven't yet got. I just love him ok...

Anyway, Nights in Rodanthe is my next read and just like the rest of the Nicholas Sparks books I have read, I'm super excited to read this one :)

Happy Reading!!!


Fairest in all the land by Bill Willingham - Review

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I have finished my first graphic novel!!! And I loved it!!! Who knew fairytale characters could be so bad ass!!!

Fairest in all the land follows a murder mystery and Cinderella, the super-spy is the only one that can put a stop to these murders. A list of names of other fairytale characters is discovered but Cinderella's name isn't on the list. She later discovers that this list is a hit list and the order of the names are the order in which these fairytale characters will die.

After reading this I now know I need to get the Fairest series and the Fables series. It made me laugh so much and kept me gripped throughout. The only reason I had to finish it off this morning instead of reading it all last night was because I literally couldn't keep my eyes open I was that tired.

I can't wait to get my hands on these series' and I will definitely be posting reviews of them when I read them :)

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


Fairest in all the land by Bill Willingham

Sunday 1 February 2015 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

So it is the start of February and I am going to start of this month's reading slightly differently.

The first book I am going to read is a graphic novel. This will be my first graphic novel I have ever read and so I can't wait to get my head stuck in this book!!! I have never been too sure about graphic novels but after reading about this story, I just had to pick it up. It is about certain fairytale characters but tells us their lives in a completely different light. This is a stand alone but there have been Fairest series written as well as a Fables series.

Happy Reading!!!


January 2015 Wrap Up

Hello Book Lovers!!!

As it is now February I thought I would give you a brief overview of the books I have been reading in  the month of January and give one book the award of Favourite January Read :) I have read 8 books this month which I am super happy with so lets get started!!!

The 1st book I read in January was Girl Online by Zoe Sugg.

I really enjoyed reading this book and got attached to one character in particular (Elliott). I gave this book 4* on Goodreads.

The 2nd book I read in January was Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell.

I literally could not put this book down. Now I know you can get attached to characters in stories, but when this book ended it was like I was never going to see my best friends ever again. I was distraught!!! My first thought after reading this book was - I need a novella...NOW!!! I gave this book 5* on Goodreads and would recommend absolutely everyone to read this book.

The 3rd book I read in January was You're The One that I want by Giovanna Fletcher.

This book was about a love triangle and because of that, decisions about whether I was Team Robert or Team Ben were developed during reading. Although I kept thinking I knew which team I was on, it kept changing throughout this book and I still don't know which team I am on so if you are on a certain team, then let me know which one and why in the comments below. I gave this book 4* on Goodreads.

The 4th book I read in January was Little Beach Street Bakery by Jenny Colgan. 

I did enjoy this book but found myself getting a little bored in places when there wasn't a lot happening. I would recommend this book if you enjoy a sweet little contemporary read, but I did only give this 3* on Goodreads.

The 5th book I read in January was Message In A Bottle by Nicholas Sparks.

Now if you have been keeping up to date with my blog then you will know I am a huge Nicholas Sparks fan. And this book did not let me down!!! I felt so engaged in the story the whole way through and not once did I think...yer I'll read it later. I also watched the film adaptation of this novel but that wasn't a patch on the book and I only gave that 2* whereas the book I gave 5* on Goodreads.

The 6th book I read in January was The Rescue by Nicholas Sparks.

Like I said before, I am a huge Nicholas Sparks fan. But this book didn't quite live up to some of Nicholas' Sparks' other novels. It is a book about love, heartbreak, and family issues. I gave this book 3* on Goodreads as I did enjoy the story but felt myself getting bored in some chapters.

The 7th book I read in January was Attachments by Rainbow Rowell.

Rainbow Rowell is one of my favourite authors. Her writing is so clever and witty and her dialogue is just how people speak in real life. Previous Rainbow Rowell books I have read are Fangirl and Eleanor and Park and I loved both of these so Attachments had some competition!!! This book followed two girls sending emails to each other and one guy that was secretly reading their emails. I absolutely loved this book and gave it 4* on Goodreads and I would highly recommend this to anyone that wants a good giggle.

And the 8th and final book I read in January was The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul by Deborah Rodriguez. 

This novel is about 5 different women and you learn about how these women deal with living in the violent streets of Kabul. I found this book super confusing to follow because of there being so many different stories and as well as that, I had to get my head around the culture change which made this book a slower read for me. I only gave this book 2* on Goodreads but I do want to try read this again at some point to see if I can understand it more.

So that is my January Overview. It's now time to announce the award for Favourite January Read!!!

The award for Favourite January Read goes to......................

Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell!!!

Happy Reading!!!


The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul by Deborah Rodriguez - Review

Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today's review is on The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul by Deborah Rodriguez. I have to say this is not one of my favourite books. For me personally there were too many different stories to follow which was difficult enough not to mention having to get my head round the different culture.

This novel is about 5 different women. One is a coffee shop owner, one is a journalist, one is pregnant and has been stolen from her village leaving her abandoned on the violent streets of Kabul, one is American but has moved to Kabul to be with her Afghan lover, and the final one is an older woman that is having a hidden love affair.

You follow each of these women and find out about their survival instincts and how they cope with the violence and culture of Kabul. 

For me, this book had me reading pages over and over again to try to keep up with who was who and which story was when. I'm not to keen on books that have me doing that as I find myself confused and not able to keep up. 

The actual overall story was interesting especially as the author has been through a lot of these kinds of things herself, but for me I think this is a novel I will have to read again at some point to see if I can keep up better and understand the storyline more.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!
