January 2015 Wrap Up

Sunday 1 February 2015
Hello Book Lovers!!!

As it is now February I thought I would give you a brief overview of the books I have been reading in  the month of January and give one book the award of Favourite January Read :) I have read 8 books this month which I am super happy with so lets get started!!!

The 1st book I read in January was Girl Online by Zoe Sugg.

I really enjoyed reading this book and got attached to one character in particular (Elliott). I gave this book 4* on Goodreads.

The 2nd book I read in January was Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell.

I literally could not put this book down. Now I know you can get attached to characters in stories, but when this book ended it was like I was never going to see my best friends ever again. I was distraught!!! My first thought after reading this book was - I need a novella...NOW!!! I gave this book 5* on Goodreads and would recommend absolutely everyone to read this book.

The 3rd book I read in January was You're The One that I want by Giovanna Fletcher.

This book was about a love triangle and because of that, decisions about whether I was Team Robert or Team Ben were developed during reading. Although I kept thinking I knew which team I was on, it kept changing throughout this book and I still don't know which team I am on so if you are on a certain team, then let me know which one and why in the comments below. I gave this book 4* on Goodreads.

The 4th book I read in January was Little Beach Street Bakery by Jenny Colgan. 

I did enjoy this book but found myself getting a little bored in places when there wasn't a lot happening. I would recommend this book if you enjoy a sweet little contemporary read, but I did only give this 3* on Goodreads.

The 5th book I read in January was Message In A Bottle by Nicholas Sparks.

Now if you have been keeping up to date with my blog then you will know I am a huge Nicholas Sparks fan. And this book did not let me down!!! I felt so engaged in the story the whole way through and not once did I think...yer I'll read it later. I also watched the film adaptation of this novel but that wasn't a patch on the book and I only gave that 2* whereas the book I gave 5* on Goodreads.

The 6th book I read in January was The Rescue by Nicholas Sparks.

Like I said before, I am a huge Nicholas Sparks fan. But this book didn't quite live up to some of Nicholas' Sparks' other novels. It is a book about love, heartbreak, and family issues. I gave this book 3* on Goodreads as I did enjoy the story but felt myself getting bored in some chapters.

The 7th book I read in January was Attachments by Rainbow Rowell.

Rainbow Rowell is one of my favourite authors. Her writing is so clever and witty and her dialogue is just how people speak in real life. Previous Rainbow Rowell books I have read are Fangirl and Eleanor and Park and I loved both of these so Attachments had some competition!!! This book followed two girls sending emails to each other and one guy that was secretly reading their emails. I absolutely loved this book and gave it 4* on Goodreads and I would highly recommend this to anyone that wants a good giggle.

And the 8th and final book I read in January was The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul by Deborah Rodriguez. 

This novel is about 5 different women and you learn about how these women deal with living in the violent streets of Kabul. I found this book super confusing to follow because of there being so many different stories and as well as that, I had to get my head around the culture change which made this book a slower read for me. I only gave this book 2* on Goodreads but I do want to try read this again at some point to see if I can understand it more.

So that is my January Overview. It's now time to announce the award for Favourite January Read!!!

The award for Favourite January Read goes to......................

Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell!!!

Happy Reading!!!


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