Pig - Heart Boy by Malorie Blackman - Review

Monday 15 August 2016

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've just finished Pig - Heart Boy by Malorie Blackman and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm so happy I revisited this story as I forgot about just how good it actually is.

In this story we meet Cameron who is 13 and in need of a heart transplant. Unfortunately a match has not been found for him but one day a doctor offers him a heart that he believes would accept Cameron's body. But the heart isn't from a human, it's from a pig.

Cameron decides to go ahead with the operation as he either has no hope of surviving anymore than another few months, or by having the operation, could possibly start leading a slightly more normal life. Even though his mother isn't too happy about this she goes along with the idea anyway knowing it's what Cameron wants.

After the operation Cameron faces a lot of hate and people trying to interfere with his life including press from the newspapers trying to get further information from him. So Cameron has to learn how to deal with this as well as trying to start a normal life again like he had before he got ill.

This is a beautiful story with a lot of family elements which I thoroughly enjoyed reading about. I also loved the way in which Malorie Blackman can write a story based on a seriously important topic but keep it light enough for younger readers to read.

I thought all of the characters were well developed and I felt I got to know them well. I really loved Cameron's character as even though he is only 13, he really spoke his mind and didn't let anyone tell him what to do. However you could still tell how innocent he was through some of his dialogue so you never forgot his age. You could also tell how much his family and friends meant to him which was a lovely element to the story as well.

The writing was easy to follow and because of that I was able to picture each detail very clearly. By being able to picture everything, I always feel like this helps me stayed captivated by the story.

The plot for me was really strong and there was always something waiting to stir things up just around the corner. I never felt I was getting bored and I read most of this book within one day. It's a nice quick read and definitely something I would reread again.

Rating /5

If you've read this book then by all means let me know what you thought about it as I would love to know and I'll speak to you all very soon.

Happy Reading!!!


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