Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by J.K. Rowling, John Tiffany and Jack Thorne - Review

Sunday 7 August 2016

Hello Everyone!!!

I finished Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by J.K. Rowling, John Tiffany and Jack Thorne and I have so much to say about it so I will be doing a full video review of it on my channel very soon! Overall I really enjoyed it but I did have some issues with it as well.

This is the script from the stage production in London so is written in a very different format to what we are used to from this world. However it didn't take away my enjoyment of the story and I loved the dialogue.

There will be spoilers in this so I advise you read the book before reading this review if you don't want to be spoilt!

In this we follow Albus Severus Potter, Harry Potter's son, as well as Scorpius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy's son. They are both new to starting Hogwarts and have to be sorted into their houses. Scorpius Malfoy is of course sorted into Slytherin...he's a Malfoy after all. But so is Albus Potter which nobody expects!

The two overhear a conversation and find out that a Time Turner has been kept in the Ministry of Magic even though they were all meant to be destroyed, and Cedric Diggory's father is wanting to use this to bring his son back to life. Everyone is against this of course; if you change the past, who knows what could happen to the future! But Albus and Scorpius hear how distraught Cedric's father is and decide to take it into their own hands to go back in time and bring back Cedric. Cedric's father recommends that his niece Delphi goes with them to help in their quest.

They use Polyjuice Potion to sneak into the Ministry of Magic to find the Time Turner and succeed with only having a few complications on the way which could have got them killed! When back in time, they try to stop Cedric from competing in the Triwizard Tournament, but this then completely changes present day, turning the Wizarding World into a dark and miserable place as now Harry is dead which means Albus never existed and Voldemort is in charge!

So we journey through with these characters, meeting new characters on the way and going back to see old characters from the series and travelling through an alternate history of events.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and most of the characters and it was great to revisit old characters from the series as well as be introduced to the next generation of witches and wizards of Hogwarts. The writing was of course very different to how a Harry Potter story is usually published however this didn't affect my enjoyment of it at all.

I found that Albus and Scorpius' friendship was absolutely adorable and I couldn't help but fall in love with Scorpius. He was one of the cutest characters I've ever read about and I have definitely gained another favourite character of all time. I do feel like he should have been a Hufflepuff not a Slytherin though; he was too sweet to be a Slytherin!

Draco was a fantastic character and it was nice to see his good side and how he has now become friends with everyone. It was great to see him and Harry work together to find their sons instead of working against each other like in the series.

I found Harry a bit too aggressive considering he's meant to be a loving, caring character so I didn't like his character as much as I'd hoped for. He just seemed a lot different to how he was in the series.

I loved how Albus and Scorpius were both in Slytherin and it was great to see two Slytherins be the heros for once as it's usually Gryffindors so it was a nice change.

The time travel was fantastic and it was great to revisit parts of the series but with new characters. It showed how by changing the past, that could have a major effect on present day and the future and you should never meddle with time. I loved how dark it got in present day when the past had been changed and how there was even a Voldemort Day! We also saw how some characters had completely different personalities and weren't their usual selves at all.

Going back to the day Harry's parents died was incredibly emotional and for Harry to have to watch this happen was awful. It really made it feel like the story had gone in one big circle. There were so many shocking moments and emotional moments but I'll talk about them a lot more in my video review so look out for that!

Hermione being the Minister of Magic was just brilliant! I feel like it's such an Hermione job and it's perfectly suited to her.

One thing I'm not so sure on is Bellatrix and Voldemort having a child...like what?!?!? I just found this too weird and haven't quite come to terms with it yet.

The writing style was different as I believe it was mostly Jack Thorne who wrote most of this, not J.K. Rowling, so that was strange to get used to a first but once I got into the story more it didn't bother me at all.

I really want to know how the magic is performed on the stage as I find it difficult to picture not in CGI. I hope that one day I'll be able to see the stage production but I've just got to hope!

Rating /5

If you've read this then let me know what you thought of it as I'd love to know. There has been a lot of mixed reviews so let me know your opinions! That's it for today and I'll speak to you all very soon!

Happy Reading!!!


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