Dream House by Marzia Bisognin - Review

Friday 12 August 2016

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finished Dream House by Marzia Bisognin and I really enjoyed it. I found it very strange but highly engaging.

This is about a girl called Amethyst who comes across the house of her dreams and as she is looking over at it, a storm begins. The two people in this house notice her and invite her in to get out of the storm.

Amethyst ends up staying the night but when she wakes up she's completely on her own. She can't quite understand where the two people that invited her in have gone but she decides to go explore. While exploring she comes across some strange people and happenings. She notices the gardener called Alfred but people soon tell her to stay out of his way as he has a dark past. She also keeps seeing a little girl in the house who's name is Akiko but doesn't know why she is there. As well as this she keeps getting random messages around the house, one of which were made by the letter magnets on the fridge.

Because of all of these happenings, Amethyst can't help herself and wants to get to the bottom of whatever it is that's going on. She starts to collect clues and also tries to get some information off a guy called Avery that lives opposite.

But Amethyst is not prepared for what she is about to discover, but could you ever be prepared for something that shocking?

Like I said before, I really enjoyed this story. I loved Alfred's character and I felt we got to know a lot about him. I found him very interesting to read about especially finding out about his past and how he has ended up where he is today. I didn't however feel like we got to know Amethyst that well, even at the end when all of the secrets were revealed. It would have been nice to find out a lot more about her past however I did still like her character, even if I did find her a bit strange.

I felt like I could picture all of the locations really well so that helped me stay engaged in the story. I also felt that the writing style was effective but also very easy to follow.

The storyline itself was strong but could have been made longer as I feel like there is so much more that could be said about Amethyst, her past, and the house itself. I also found it really strange that Amethyst didn't run a mile when she was getting all of the messages and meeting some really odd people.

I would definitely recommend this to older readers as it was highly engaging and kept me hooked throughout. It also had me asking questions all the way through and it was one of those stories that I didn't want to put down until I had all of the answers. I wouldn't recommend this to younger readers however as it does get quite creepy and can make you feel on the edge a lot so it might not be suitable for the younger age range.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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