Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson - Review

Saturday 20 August 2016

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've just finished Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson. I really enjoyed it but I'm finding it difficult to see the hype around this story. It was a fun summer read but for me it wasn't anything super special.

This is about two girls called Emily and Sloane. They are best friends and have a full summer planned. But Sloane disappears leaving only a list for Emily. This list is a bucket list of sorts, including things like 'kiss a stranger', 'dance until dawn', 'go skinny dipping' etc. Emily has no idea why Sloane has left her this list or where Sloane has disappeared to but Emily thinks that if she completes this list, then maybe that could bring Sloane back.

So we follow Emily on her journey during the summer trying to complete the list. She makes friends with people she would never normally speak to, goes on many adventures, and at some points, gets herself into a little bit of trouble...something Emily would never do!

I really enjoyed this book like I said above, and I liked reading about all of the characters however I never felt myself getting attached to any of them. They were all great to read about, but I didn't get any emotional connections like I usually do when reading.

I also really liked following Emily through her summer trying to complete the list Sloane had given her. Some of the tasks were really amusing to read about and I loved how she didn't have to complete this list all on her own. She made some friends during the summer and these friends were such a support through her journey and her tasks, which I definitely think Emily needed as a lot of the things on the list, she would never even dream of doing!

The writing style was easy to follow and didn't leave me confused at any points. Even though the book was quite big, it didn't take me long to get through however I'm not a fan of longer chapters and this book was full of them! Other than that, I didn't have any issues with the way the book was written and I'm glad I gave Morgan Matson's writing a chance.

Overall I would recommend this to anybody that likes a cute contemporary summer read and something that you can read easily without feeling you are dragging yourself through a book.

Rating /5

If you've read this book then let me know your thoughts on it as I'd love to know. That's it for this post and I'll speak to you all very soon!

Happy Reading!!!


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