New Moon by Stephanie Meyer - Review

Friday 5 August 2016

Hello Book Lovers!!!

The final book I read in July was New Moon by Stephanie Meyer. This was one of my rereads as I'm currently rereading the series. I've been ill over the last week so haven't posted or uploaded anything but I'm hoping to get back to posting and uploading regularly again over the next week. New Moon is the second book in the Twilight series so if you don't want to be spoiled then you've been warned!

In New Moon we see Bella continue her life with the Cullens but when she finds out they are planning on leaving Forks she doesn't know how to cope. If she hasn't got Edward, then she's not only got no protection from Victoria, another vampire that wants to kill her, but she's also losing the boy she loves.

When they leave, Bella can't cope but finally finds comfort in her friend Jacob Black. The two spend a lot of time together and Jacob begins to get feelings for Bella and tries to win her over. But Bella can't help but only want Edward and doesn't want a relationship with Jacob.

When Jacob becomes ill, all Bella wants to do is see him and make sure he is ok but Jacob's father Billy won't allow her to have any contact with him. She even tries to ring him but Billy won't let her speak to him. This makes Bella think that there's something seriously wrong.

As the clues start developing, Bella soon learns that Jacob is a werewolf and can now change between human and werewolf depending on his moods. But because Bella has already been involved with vampires, this doesn't faze her and continues to see Jacob when he has recovered.

Bella has also turned to extreme sports as she realises this is how she can see Edward in her imagination and hear his voice. But when Alice Cullen gets a vision that Bella has killed herself jumping off a cliff, she soon gets back to Folks expecting Bella to be dead. However she's very much alive and when Alice finds out she was doing it for adrenaline, she has to tell Bella what Edward is planning on doing.

On Edward finding out that 'Bella has killed herself', he goes to Italy to see the Volturi, a group of vampires that can kill him. So Edward tries everything to get them to kill him however nothing is working and so he decides he's going to stand outside in the sun so everyone can see what he is. But Bella and Alice are already on their way to try to save him, however they don't have much time...

I enjoyed the second instalment to this series but also had some issues with it as well. I really liked Jacob and the La Push group again reading it the second time round as I thought they were completely different to the rest of the characters in this series. I remember really liking Jacob the first time round reading it so my opinion hasn't changed there.

I thought that the beginning of the story started well and it was well paced, finding out about the Cullen's plans to leave and Bella's reactions to finding out about this, however I thought that the book then got a bit slow and flat as about 3/4 of the book seems to be just Bella moping around not doing much. I liked Jacob and Bella's friendship throughout this however as I felt that it added more to the story which is definitely something that needed to happen.

The end of the story then picked up a little again when Bella and Alice arrived in Italy. The story was tense and you could feel the emotions each of the characters were feeling. It was also nice to be introduced to some new characters that will continue to be around further on in the series.

Overall I thought this book was good but definitely has room for improvement as I felt that it could have been condensed into a much shorter read. I'm still looking forward to continuing on with the series as I want to know what I think of the full series as a whole the second time round reading it so I can compare my thoughts from when I was 16 to now.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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