Twilight by Stephanie Meyer - Review

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Hello Book Lovers!

I've finished rereading Twilight by Stephanie Meyer and I can say that 16 year old Hannah definitely preferred it to 22 year old Hannah.

I'm sure you all know what Twilight is about but in case some of you don't then I'll give you a brief synopsis.

Bella Swan moves from Jacksonville where she lives with her mum and her mum's boyfriend Phil to live with her dad Charlie in Forks. At school Bella meets a guy called Edward Cullen and at first Bella is convinced that Edward hates her.

But when Bella starts to notice things about Edward that aren't humanly possible she begins to do some research and soon starts to build theories on what Edward could be.

After she finds out that Edward and the rest of the Cullen's are vampires, she can't help but want to find out more and can't keep her distance from them. Edward soon opens up to Bella and the two grow close. But getting close to a vampire is never going to end well.

When the Cullen's and Bella are out playing a baseball game, 3 unexpected visitors arrive. They are also vampires however not like the Cullen's. The Cullen's only drink the blood from animals. These vampires drink human blood so when one of them notices Bella, she and Edward have to make a run for it.

Bella and two of Edward's siblings, Alice and Jasper take Bella away from Forks to a hotel to try to hide her from this vampire that is now hunting her. But the vampire tricks Bella into believing her mother is in trouble leading Bella straight to where he is. Her old ballet studio.

I'm not going to say anymore in case some of you haven't read it and you would like to. Like I said above, 16 year old Hannah enjoyed the story more than 22 year old Hannah. However 22 year old Hannah did still enjoy it, just not as much this time round.

I still really like Alice Cullen as I find her character so unique and fun to read about. However Bella got on my nerves and the relationship between her and Edward was to insta-lovey for me. I loved Carlisle's character and thought he was a strong part of the story and I liked the relationship you could tell all of the Cullen's had with each other.

I found the story quite flat for a lot of it. It took a long time for anything major to happen and that left me getting a bit bored on a few occasions. However when things did start happening I got into the story a lot more.

I thought that the writing style was a bit plain and there wasn't much development in either the characters or the locations. I also didn't find the writing style that descriptive which is something I love in a story.

I will always like this story because of how it encouraged so many more people to start reading when it was first released however I would recommend it more to a younger audience than an older audience.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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