July Wrap Up 2016

Friday 5 August 2016
Hello Book Lovers!!!

I'm finally getting round to concluding everything I've read in July! Sorry it's late, I've been ill over the last week or so and haven't been able to do much at all. But here it is so I hope you enjoy!

The first book I read was...

P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han

This is the second book in the To All the Boys I've Loved Before series so I don't want to say too much about it but it continues on following Lara Jean after her disasters in To All the Boys I've Loved Before where she writes letters to all the boys she's ever loved. These letter are just for her but one day they all get sent out and she has to deal with the consequences of this. I liked where the story took us in P.S. I Still Love you as I had no idea what was going to happen and my feelings slightly changed for some of the characters as well as some of my opinions for different elements during this book. I gave this book 4* on Goodreads.

The second book I read was...

Fairest. The Clamour for Glamour by Matthew Buckingham and Bill Willingham

This is the final volume in the Fairest graphic novel series and I really enjoyed this one as well. In this we meet Reynard who can turn from human to fox and vise versa, which makes the other animals jealous, especially when he does nothing but boast about it. Because of this he is picked up and dropped on a farm well away from where he lives and comes across a girl called Meghan who isn't treated very nice by her uncle and cousin. The two end up together and Meghan ends up pregnant, but is the baby going to be a fox or a human? This wasn't my favourite volume in the series however I did still enjoy it and really loved the characters and all of their different personalities so for that I gave this 3* on Goodreads.

The third book I read in July was...

The Disney Book. A Celebration of the World of Disney by Jim Fanning

This tells us facts about the films, character development, story development, Walt Disney's life, the Disney parks, and many more! I found this book highly engaging and informative and learnt a lot from reading this. I loved finding out about the initial ideas for the films and how they were developed into feature lengths we watch and love today. I gave this book 4* on Goodreads.

The fourth book I read was...

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne

This was my reread of the month and I loved revisiting this story. This is about a boy called Bruno who has to move from his home because of his father's job. He is a soldier and when the family move to their new location, they all find it very difficult to settle in, especially Bruno. When he notices a giant metal fence in the distance from his bedroom window, he goes out exploring to see what it is. There he meets another little boy behind the fence who appears to be wearing striped pyjamas. But Bruno has no idea what he has just discovered. I love this story and younger readers could read this easily as well as the writing style isn't too mature. It's also an informative book and covers very important topics. I gave this book 4* on Goodreads.

And the final book I read in July was...

New Moon by Stephanie Meyer

This is the second book in the Twilight series which I'm currently rereading. I liked rereading this as it let me compare my thoughts from when I was 16 to now and turns out some were similar, and some were very different. We continue to see Bella spend her time with the Cullens but when she finds out they are leaving, she doesn't know how to cope. This is where Jacob Black plays a big role in making sure she is ok, but he begins to get feelings for her. Bella also takes an interest in extreme sports as she can hear and see Edward this way in her imagination but when Alice Cullen has a vision of her dying, Bella has no idea what she has just done. I liked this book again but I found it to be quite slow during the middle sections as it seemed to be just Bella moping around a lot. I really liked Jacob and the La Push group again and I also liked how the story picked up again as it got closer to the end. I gave this 3* on Goodreads.

So that is it for my July Wrap Up! And I managed to read 5 books which I'm super happy about! But it's now time for my July Favourite Read! And the winner is...

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne!!!

I just loved how this book was written and how it dealt with horrible topics but in a way that it wouldn't be a problem for younger readers to enjoy. It could also be educational to students learning about the terrors covered in this story so it could serve for that purpose also.

So that is it for this post! Let me know what you read in July and what was your favourite read and I will speak to you all very soon!

Happy Reading!!!


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