The Kill Order by James Dashner - Review

Thursday 1 October 2015

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finished The Kill Order by James Dashner which means I'm completely finished with all of The Maze Runner books!!! I didn't enjoy this book as much as the rest but I'll get on to why soon. Even though I finished this today, I'm still going to class it as a September read as I read most of it in September so you will see it in my wrap up which will also be posted today.

If you haven't already here are my previous reviews on The Maze Runner trilogy:

In The Kill Order, we are introduced to new characters as it is the prequel to The Maze Runner trilogy. These characters have just survived the sun flares but now face another challenge in which they have to survive the Flare, a highly dangerous and contagious virus that has invaded Earth.

Friends, Mark, Trina, Toad, Misty and Darnell, as well as two army veterans live together in the Appalachian Mountains and in the beginning, are settled and quite happy that the sun flares are over and they no longer have to fight to survive. But then an airship called a Berg has crash landed and some men begin shooting innocent people in the village.

They are shooting these people with arrows that will give them the Flare but as this point in time, Mark and his friends have no idea what the Flare is. The friends have to fight the infected and find a way to stop the people shooting the arrows.

Unfortunately some are lost on the way but soon they find a little girl called DeeDee that seems to be immune to the Flare. The team try to invade the shooters and fight off the infected, but there is only so much a small team can do against hundreds that are infected by the Flare.

Like I said earlier, I didn't enjoy this book as much as the rest. However there were some things I liked about it; it wasn't all bad. Some of these things included the clear friendship and protectiveness the characters had over one another, the fast paced actions scenes that I thought were written very well, and the prologue and epilogue that began and finished this book off brilliantly.

On the other hand, although I said I enjoyed the fast paced action scenes, I did find that this book got rather slow in sections and because of that, I didn't feel like I was fully concentrating on the story at all times. This meant that there were times that I had to recap to understand what had just happened.

I also didn't feel attached to any of the characters like I did in The Maze Runner trilogy and when there was a death, it didn't effect me at all. If you've read my reviews on the other three books, then you know how much some of the deaths effected me in those.

Overall I think this was a good book but if it wasn't written, I don't think that it would be a huge loss to the trilogy.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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