An Abundance of Katherines by John Green - Review

Saturday 10 October 2015

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I first of all want to apologise for the speed I'm reading at the minute. I'm not very well at all and haven't been for nearly 4 weeks now, but it's nothing serious, it's just taking a long time to pass. Anyway, I've finished An Abundance of Katherines by John Green. I did enjoy this book but not as much as I enjoyed his other books.

In this story we are introduced to Colin Singleton, who has just graduated from high school and has also just been dumped by Katherine number 19.....yes.....19!!! He decides to go on a road trip with his friend Hassan to not only clear his head and get away from home for a bit, but also to create a theory for the Katherine situation.

While Colin is away, he uses his theories to predict how long a couple will stay in their relationship and if it happens, when they will separate. The boys find themselves in Gutshot at the tour of the grave of Archduke Franz Ferdinand where they meet their tour guide Lindsey Lee Wells. Later in the day the boys meet Lindsey's mother Hollis and she invites them back to her house for tea. While there, Hollis offers the boys summer jobs at her factory as well as a room in her home.

While working on their summer jobs, Colin continues working on his theorem and Hassan works on his people skills which eventually gets him a girlfriend. Although Lindsey has a boyfriend, also a Colin, herself and Colin Singleton start to become close over the summer and helps him with his theorem.

The characters soon begin to realise the importance of friendships, how friendships can turn into relationships, and what their futures hold for them.

Like I said above, I didn't enjoy this book as much has John Green's other work. I didn't think there was a strong storyline and other than Colin, I didn't feel like I got to know the other characters that well. I did really like Colin though and I definitely thought the way to book was written was another fantastic way to portray Colin's intelligence as well as how he was described in the story.

I also really liked the extra elements to this book such as the footnotes and the graphs as this gave us more of an insight to the characters, Colin's theorem, and the story itself. Although these were great elements, I did feel like I got confused a lot and I don't put this down to John Green at all, I just find anything maths related very difficult to understand.

Apart from those points, I did enjoy the story, it just wasn't strong enough for me and it didn't make me feel many emotions. I would have liked more insight to some of the less main characters as I got confused at which character was which at points. I loved Colin's character however and I did begin to feel attached to him. I think he is a well written and well developed character and his intelligence is incredible!!! He does however need to work on his social skills!!!

Rating /5

As always, let me know in the comments below what you thought of this book if you've read it and if you have any different opinions to me then I would love to read them.

Happy Reading!!!


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