Six Years by Harlen Coben

Friday 23 October 2015
Hello Book Lovers!!!

The next book I'm going to read in the month of October is again a book that I think is perfect for this time of year. The book is Six Years by Harlen Coben. Now if you've read anything by Harlen Coben before, then you will know that he writes thriller/murder mystery types of novels. And as it's Halloween this month, I thought it would be appropriate to read something that would hopefully give me a chill down my spine!!!

I love reading crime novels and this time of the year is the perfect time to do so. I haven't read a novel by Harlen Coben for a few months now so I decided that this would be the perfect time to pick up another one of his books.

As far as I can gather from the synopsis on the back of the book (which I have to say intrigued me straight away), it is about a guy called Jake who six years ago watched his friend Natalie get married. He has promised to stay away from her and her husband but when her husband gets murdered, Jake can't seem to help himself and has to see her.

That's all I'm going to say about the story for now and I will of course explain more about the novel in my review once I have read it.

If you've read this book then by all means leave your opinions of it in the comments below but NO SPOILERS!!!

Speak to you all soon :)

Happy Reading!!!


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