Sisterland by Curtis Sittenfeld - Review

Thursday 18 June 2015

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've eventually finished Sisterland by Curtis Sittenfeld. It's taken me longer to read than I wanted and I think that is due to me being in a little bit of a reading slump at the minute. Boooo!!! 

This novel follows Kate and her story through childhood and current day. The times switch between the two, especially during the middle chapters, but it is discussed in a way where you won't get lost.

Kate's twin sister Vi predicts an earthquake to happen on October 16th which worries the town in which they live in. People begin to prepare for this expected earthquake but on the day, some other events happen in it's place. 

As well as this, Kate finds herself in a bit of a sticky situation when her husband leaves town for work reasons, leading to further, serious consequences.

I really enjoyed the first 3rd of this book but I felt the middle section was dragged out much longer than in needed to be. I also enjoyed the final chapters as a lot more seemed to happen again in these chapters.

I also felt like the synopsis on the back of this book leads you to believe the whole story is going to be about the earthquake prediction but it isn't at all. If anything I felt that got pushed to the background of this novel in some sections. Although I felt this way, the events that happen on the day the earthquake has been predicted seemed to me to be a representation of a different kind of earthquake. By this, I mean that the events that happened effected a lot of people and this did hinder the way their day planned out greatly, and mostly in negative ways.

The characters are likeable but I wouldn't say they are any of my favourite characters although I did really like Vi, but other than Vi, none of the others really stood out to me in any way.

Rating /5


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