V For Vendetta by Alan Moore and David Lloyd

Thursday 18 June 2015
Hello Book Lovers!!!

As I said in my last post, I seem to be in a bit of a reading slump at the moment so I decided why not read a graphic novel. They are pretty to look at and quick to read. So that's exactly what I'm going to do!!! 

The second graphic novel of 2015 is going to be V For Vendetta by Alan Moore and David Lloyd. I'm super excited about reading this as I watched the film last year and it's now one of my favourite films of all time.

I've had a quick flick through and the artwork looks fantastic; I just can't wait to get my head stuck into this story. If you haven't seen the film then I definitely recommend it. It really makes you think about Britain and how things are ran here. It actually made me quite angry at times but V is such a fantastic character.

Anyway enough fangirling about the film. It's time for the graphic novel!!!

Happy Reading!!!


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