V For Vendetta by Alan Moore and David Lloyd - Review

Saturday 20 June 2015

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finished V For Vendetta by Alan Moore and David Lloyd and I loved it!!! Just like the film, this graphic novel really got me thinking about the way England is run and how the different hierarchies really can have an effect on individual's actions.

This novel centres around a character who's codename is V. We never find out V's real name. He was put into a resettlement home years ago and has a lot of anger towards the people who kept him there. Instead of trying to forget about it, V plans attacks and demolitions to buildings such as Parliament.

We also meet Evey who is introduced by getting into some trouble with some guys on the street. V ends up rescuing her and taking her back to his home. There she learns about how V works and the ways he thinks. This scares her to begin with, but V teaches Evey in his 'theatrical ways' and although this initially makes her feel scared, stressed, and angry, she soon becomes used to V and by the end, she has completely transformed into him.

We also learn a lot more about the outside characters in this novel. I can't help but hate all of these characters. They either annoyed me or they were just horrible people.

After the graphic novel, Alan Moore discusses where the idea for V For Vendetta came from and he makes a statement about 5th November and Guy Fawkes. He states "We shouldn't burn the chap every Nov. 5th but celebrate his attempt to blow up Parliament!"  I can't help but agree with this statement, knowing how the hierarchies in Britain now work.

One of the most enjoyable elements for me was the way V speaks. He either speaks in riddles or rhymes most of the time which infuriates Evey. I loved this aspect as it brought out his theatrical side more.

I loved this graphic novel and I highly recommend it to mature readers. I say mature readers because of the content not being suitable for younger readers. If you are younger but consider yourself as a mature reader, then feel free to give it a read, but don't say I didn't warn you!!!

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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