Message in a Bottle by Nicholas Sparks - Review

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've just finished A Message in a Bottle by Nicholas Sparks and lets just say the ending caught me off guard. I didn't expect it to end like that but I did think Nicholas Sparks once again created one heck of a synopsis!!! This man never fails!!!

This novel follows the two completely separate lives of Theresa and Garrett. Theresa has split up with her husband and is trying to carry on with life as normal...until she discovers a bottle with a message in washed up on the beach. Little does she know this message will change her life dramatically.

Garrett tragically lost his partner Catherine. During the years after Catherine passed away, Garrett wrote letters to her and placed them in bottles to throw out to sea. Little does he know that his letters have been found and read by a number of people.

Will these letters bring Theresa and Garrett together? Read the book to find out!!! I promise you it won't disappoint!!!

I loved this story and I think it has to be one of my favourite novels Nicholas Sparks has written. There were so many moments that had me hooked and I couldn't put this book down. It covers not only love but loss and tragedy as well and Nicholas Sparks links these in such a unique way with his synopsis.

I would definitely recommend this book especially if you love a good contemporary read.

Rating /5

Not only has this story been brought to life through a novel, it also has a film adaptation which I watched after reading the book. 

I definitely didn't enjoy the film as much as I enjoyed the book. It stuck to the book most of the time, but everything just seemed to happen too quickly at the beginning. Also Garrett didn't look or act like I expected. Although I knew that he obviously had an incredible loving and caring side to him, that wasn't shown until near the end of the film and instead he seemed quite aggressive.

As well as Garrett being different to how I expected him to be, Theresa was also very different to how I expected. In the book she comes across as quite shy but in the film she wasn't shy at all. 

There were also some scenes in the film that I thought were just made way to cheesy. I know this is a love story but the cheesiness was just way to over the top for my liking.

Really the only part of this film I did enjoy fully was the ending. Although the ending isn't nice, it did get to me quite a lot so that was done rather well in my opinion.

Film Rating /5

If you are interested in this story I wouldn't just watch the film, I would recommend you read the book first as the film may put you off. I thought the book was brilliant but the film just wasn't for me.

If you have read the book, seen the film, or both, then let me know what you thought as I would love to hear your opinions of these.

For now...

Happy Reading!!!


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