You're The One that I want by Giovanna Fletcher - Review

Saturday 10 January 2015

Hello Book Lovers!!!

So today I'm going to be reviewing You're The One that I want by Giovanna Fletcher. There was so much about this book that I loved but there were also elements where I found myself  getting angry with some of the characters.

To give a brief overview, this book tells the story of 3 friends who have been friends since Primary School. Their names are Robert, Maddy, and Ben. While they are young and innocent they go through childhood not having a care in the world like children do. 

But Ben has a secret. He thinks he loves Maddy but is scared to tell her in case it effects the trios friendship so instead stays quiet.....for years!!!

Just as Ben decides he is going to tell Maddy he loves her on a school trip to the romantic city of Paris, Robert and Maddy kiss at a dance. Ben is left heartbroken but still doesn't tell Maddy or Robert his secret.

We follow the trio through their years of growing up, going to college, their loves, their heartbreaks, and the many mistakes they make on the way.

But who does Maddy choose to marry? I'm not giving away that many spoilers so get the book read!!!

All I will say is that the ending is lovely and the Epilogue is the perfect end to this story. Giovanna Fletcher, you have once again done brilliantly!!!

Also if you've read the book, I would like to know ..... are you Team Robert or Team Ben? To start with I was Team Ben, but then I got so annoyed at him about half way through that I changed to Team Robert. But then he annoyed me so then I've been left in a bit of a pickle. Give me your opinions in the comments :)

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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