Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell - Review

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Ok so I've just finished reading Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell. I literally have no idea what to say. This post may be a bit of a fail but here we go!!!

While reading the story I got so attached to the two main characters that I actually started to feel really protective over them. I really wanted them to be real (shut up Hannah they are real!!!).

The story is about two misfits that build up a friendship and end up falling in love. The way Rainbow Rowell has written this is incredible. She made it so real and believable and everything about this could definitely happen in real life.

So Eleanor and Park meet on the college bus and end up sitting next to each other everyday on the way to and from college. The speed at which their friendship blossoms is just perfect. It's not too fast where you think 'really?', and its not too slow where you think 'just hurry up and get together!!!' It is literally perfect <3

Eleanor's home life is not at all perfect. She has a lot of trouble at home caused by her AWFUL stepdad (I want this character dead, I can't put in words how disgusting he is).Anyway, stop get angry Hannah. Park doesn't really get along with his dad too well either as his dad doesn't like how feminine Park can be. 

Eleanor and Park spend a year together falling madly in love and just when you think they are going to live happily ever after and get married and have children...BOOM!!! Disaster strikes!!!

I won't post any spoilers so you will just have to read the book to find out what I'm talking about but I can honestly say this has to be one of my favourite books even though the ending left me in complete shock and I need a sequel right now. Did you here that Rainbow Rowell? I need a sequel...NOW!!!

Book Rating /5

I would highly recommend this book, you all need to read it and let me know what you think, especially of the ending. So what are you waiting for? Go!!! Now!!! Read!!!

Hope you've enjoyed this book review :)

Happy Reading!!!


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