P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han - Review

Friday 8 July 2016

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've just finished P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han and I really enjoyed it. I didn't really know what to expect with it being a sequel and I had no idea how the story would continue but I liked the direction in which we were taken. However I'm not sure how I felt about some of it. I can't quite decide. Also there will be spoilers for the first book in this review so if you don't want to get spoiled you've been warned!

So in this book we continue with Lara Jean's story. In the last book, To All the Boys I've Loved Before, she starts a fake relationship with Peter however they do end up together and in P.S. I Still Love You, we see the continuation of their relationship.

Lara Jean's luck is about to change however when a video of herself and Peter kissing in a hot tub goes viral on the internet, They don't know for definite who posted the video however Lara Jean thinks she has an idea...Peter's ex girlfriend Genevieve. The doesn't have too much of an affect on Lara and Peter's relationship but when a letter comes through the post addressed to Lara Jean, this might be the thing that starts making their relationship a bit rocky!

The letter is from John, an old friend of Lara and Peter's from school. John was also one of the boys that Lara wrote a love letter to...and in the previous book, these love letters all get sent out. Luckily for Lara Jean, the letter is lovely and she decides to keep in contact through letters with John.

John ends up returning to where Lara lives and this makes things a little awkward for herself and Peter. But Peter is also spending a lot of time still with Genevieve, which Lara Jean is finding difficult to deal with.

Now with Peter and Lara's relationship fizzling, and John now being on the scene, what will Lara Jean do and will she pick any of the boys to be with at all?

I really enjoyed this book and for most of the book I was much preferring Lara Jean's character as she didn't seem as childish and wingy like she was in the first book. However that did change slightly further into the book and she began to annoy me again. I really loved John's character as I found him so charming and sweet and he definitely cared for Lara Jean immensely.

Peter was a character that in this book I really couldn't make my mind up about. In To All the Boys I've Loved Before, even though he was super cocky, I couldn't help but like him. But in this book I found him to be a bit of an idiot sometimes. I didn't completely hate him, I just didn't like him as much in this book as I did in the previous book.

The storyline was thoroughly enjoyable and like I said above, I liked the direction in we were taken in. It showed that life can be a bit rocky sometimes but it's not always going to be like that. We are all going to have good days and bad days and that's just life! I liked how the family element with the three sisters was still present in this story and they were still all so supportive of on another. That was something I really loved about the first book so I'm happy that continued in this book.

As for the ending of this story, I can't decide whether I liked it, disliked it, or thought it was a bit of a cop out. At the minute, I'm kind of feeling like it was a bit of a cop out. I think I would have liked to have seen it end differently however I'm obviously not going to go into detail about that as it will spoil you if you haven't yet read it and you would like to.

Overall I found this book very enjoyable however I did have a couple of problems with it. I do think the whole series was strong though and it's definitely something I would recommend if you are in need of a fast paced cute contemporary read.

Rating /5

If you've read this series, or even just the first book, then let me know what you think as I would love to know and I'll speak to you all very soon!

Happy Reading!!!


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