Fairest. A Clamour for Glamour by Mark Buckingham and Bill Willingham - Review

Friday 8 July 2016

Hello Book Lovers!!!

So like I said I would, I've read Fairest. The Clamour for Glamour by Mark Buckingham and Bill Willingham in one sitting. I enjoyed this story but it isn't one of my favourites in the series. I also think this is the final volume in the series which I wasn't aware of.

In this volume we meet Reynard who can turn from fox to human. He boasts to the other animals on the farm about his experiences and adventures and the other animals get annoyed and jealous. They decide to make a stand and protest for their rights to glamours of their own.

Reynard, after his attitude gets on everyone's nerves, gets taken and dropped on a farm miles from where he lives. There he meets Meghan, a young girl who lives with her uncle and cousin. Reynard soon realises that these two don't treat Meghan right and the two eventually escape and start working in a cafe together. But when Meghan falls pregnant the two have no idea how to react. After all, Reynard isn't all human. He's also a fox.

Back at the farm the animals are still protesting for their rights for glamours, however a flower that is also on the farm tries to steal all the glamours for himself.

I don't want to give too much away but I thought that the storyline was strong however it wasn't my favourite of the series so far like I said above. I found myself getting a little confused in places and that made me start to lose my attention on the story.

I did however like the bond between the animals on the farm. I liked how each one had their own little personality and this brought humour to the writing. I found the dialogue fairly easy to follow but like I said before, some parts of the story I felt my mind wandering.

The illustrations in this volume are fantastic and I really thought they helped bring the story to life more. They also helped my understanding of the story a lot more and if I was getting confused, it didn't take too long to work out what was happening again.

Overall I did enjoy this volume, it just wasn't my favourite. I wouldn't recommend this to younger readers as not all of the storyline is suitable for a younger age range. However for older readers who like fun graphic novel series, I definitely recommend to you.

Rating /5

There was also an extra little story in the back about Goldilocks and her life on the run. Goldilocks is an evil villain in the Fairest stories and so she is now on the run. She is also trying to become the fairest in the land so she can become the ruler.

This was a nice little story at the end of this volume and it was great to read more about Goldilocks as she is one of my favourite characters.

If you've read any of the Fairest series then let me know what you thought of it and I'll speak to you all very soon!

Happy Reading!!!


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