June Wrap Up | 2016

Friday 1 July 2016
Hello Book Lovers!!!

It's now July so of course I need to wrap up the month of June! I read 3 books in June and overall I think the books I read were very enjoyable, however in very different ways...but we will get to that in a minute!

The first book I read was...

Me Before You by JoJo Moyes

This book follows a girl called Lou who is happy with her life however she is just about to lose her job and she isn't sure she still loves her boyfriend. Lou goes for a job interview to become a carer and ends up getting the job. She begins caring for a guy called Will who has been in a motorbike accident and is paralysed. He has lost all the desires to live and this story follows these two characters and their struggles with dealing with what's happened. I absolutely loved this book. It had me feel every emotion and it left me speechless. It was one of the best books I've read this year for sure so of course I gave it 5* on Goodreads.

The second book I read was...

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

This was my reread of the month and I have to say that 16 year old Hannah enjoyed it more than 22 year old Hannah. However, saying that, I did still enjoy it but I just found it slower than I remembered. I'm sure you all know what Twilight is about but in case any of you don't then I will quickly tell you. Bella moves from Jacksonville where she lives with her mum and her mum's boyfriend to Forks to live with her dad. In school there she meets a guy called Edward Cullen and at first she thinks that he hates her. But as Bella begins to find out more about Edward and his family, she soon discovers that he is actually a vampire. Like I said before, I enjoyed it more the first time round reading it however I will always like this book as it got a lot more people reading. I gave it 3* on Goodreads.

And the third and final book I read was...

The Crown by Kiera Cass

This is the final book in the Selection Series and follows Eadlyn, America's daughter. America was the main protagonist in the first 3 books and then Eadlyn was introduced in the 4th. This book however is the 5th and final book and concludes Eadlyn's process in her Selection. I liked how much the characters developed in this book as I didn't like Eadlyn in The Heir however I did like her a lot more in The Crown. I also liked learning more about the boys that were left in the Selection. There was some questions I found unanswered, however I did still really enjoy this book and gave it 4* on Goodreads.

So that is it for my June Wrap Up however it's now time to find out which book gets the award for my Favourite June Read. And the winner is.....

Me Before You by JoJo Moyes!!!

This book was just perfect to me and because it made me feel every emotion under the sun and left me speechless, it definitely deserves to be my Favourite June Read. I also can't wait to see the film which I'm hoping to do this weekend!

If you've read any of the books I've mentioned then let me know what you thought of them and also let me know which book has been your favourite in June. I'll speak to you all very soon and will have my video wrap up posted next week!

Happy Reading!!!


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