Fairest: The Return of the Maharaja by Sean E. Williams - Review

Monday 28 December 2015

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finished Fairest: The Return of the Maharaja by Sean E. Williams and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I just loved how action packed the story was. And the characters were just fantastic!!!

In this volume we meet Nalayani who is the sole defender of her village. When her village is attacked by the Dhole (a pack of wolf like creatures), Nalayani makes it her task to save her village. She goes to meet the Maharaja (leader/king etc.), Charming, and himself and Nalayani set out to save her village and many others also under attack.

On their journey they face the Dhole on a few different occasions as well as getting injured to the extent of Charming's fingers falling off due to a curse set upon anyone who gets hurts by any of the Dhole.

Back in Nalayani's village, the group work together to survive by finding any food they can get their hands on. They start to lose hope that Nalayani will return after she has been gone a long while.

But will Nalayani and Charming save the village and get rid of the Dhole once and for all? And why were the Dhole attacking in the first place?

I really enjoyed the story in this volume as it never got boring and the action was constant. There was never a moment when I felt there could have been more happening. I also really loved the little snippets of other fairytale characters mentioned in the story including Mowgli and Shere Khan from The Jungle Book.

There was also an Aladdin kind of setting and the two main characters seemed to be different versions of Aladdin and Jasmine. I really loved this about the premise as it constantly had a fairytale feel about it even if it wasn't in the 'happily ever after' sense.

I also loved all of the characters whether they were bad or good and I don't usually say that. Nalayani was one of the most bad ass characters I've ever read about and I would love to read more about her. Charming was cheeky but also had this kind, caring vibe about him that made it seem he would never let any harm come of Nalayani. The friendship these two built throughout the story was truly beautiful and I really think the two of them would make a fabulous couple.

The ending came together perfectly, however I would have loved to see more of what happened after the attacks but I think I'm now just asking for a longer story!!!

Rating /5

If you've read any of the Fairest graffic novels, let me know in the comments what you thought of them as I would love to know, and if you have any other graffic novel recommendations for me then feel free to leave those in the comment section as well :)

Happy Reading!!!


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