Fairest: Of Men and Mice by Marc Andreyko - Review

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finished Fairest: Of Men and Mice by Marc Andreyko and I really enjoyed although the ending confused me so I had to find out more about that online. But more about that later!!!

In the novel we follow the story of Cinderella. She is a secret agent and called back to solve the mystery of the attacks on Snow White by human-rodent hybrids. She finds that some of the reasons as to why they are attacking relate back to the night of the ball her Fairy Godmother sent her to.

Cinderella goes on a mission to find out why they are attacking and who is behind the whole assassination attempts on Snow White. As the mystery begins to come to a close, Cinderella thinks she has worked out who the main villain causing these attacks is. But has she got the right person?

This was a super good read all the way through, with fantastic action scenes and a great set of characters. I loved Cinderella and I think the whole characterisation of her being a secret agent is just fantastic. I loved that straight away in the Fairest stand alone graphic novel, Fairest in all the Land.

I also quite liked Snow White's character which surprised me a bit as Snow White is my least favourite princess. However, I thought she was a good character and worked well alongside Cinderella.

The artwork throughout this book was stunning. I had a quick look through before I started reading and it looked fabulous then. But when I got a proper look at it all as I was reading through it, I fell in love with it even more. I think this has to be one of my favourite graphic novels in this series for the artwork as I found it so fantastic.

The only thing I found a little annoying is that at the end of the novel, I was unsure of who the character was that was meant to be the main villain causing the attacks. I haven't read the Fables series yet but from reading all of the previous novels in the Fairest series, there doesn't seem to be any reason as to why you can't read the Fairest graphic novels first. However, I had to search who this character was as nothing was mentioned about her until right at the end but she was obviously introduced in the Fables series. Now knowing who she is, I'm not sure I like that she was the main villain in this story. But that could just be because I don't feel like I know enough about her yet.


If you've read any of the Fairest graphic novels, let me know in the comments what you thought of them and I'll speak to you all very soon!!!

Happy Reading!!!


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