Christmas With Billy and Me by Giovanna Fletcher

Wednesday 23 December 2015
Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today I've decided to get my head stuck into my first Christmas read of this year. It's way later than I expected to but it's not passed Christmas day yet therefore I don't feel like I'm too late :) Christmas With Billy and Me by Giovanna Fletcher is the Christmas novella to her debut novel Billy and Me which I read a couple of years ago and loved. I have also read Christmas with Billy and Me last year I think it was but I'm super excited to read it again as I love the characters and it's the perfect book to read at this time of year.

The book is super short at just over 50 pages but the content is fantastic but more on that in my review. As it's so short I'm planning on reading it all in one sitting today and then read another Christmas novella either today or tomorrow but more on that when we get round to it :)

If you've read Billy and Me or Christmas With Billy and Me then let me know in the comments what you thought of them and whether you enjoyed them just like I did.

Happy Reading!!!


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