Boy. Tales of Childhood by Roald Dahl - Review

Thursday 31 December 2015

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finished my final book of the year!!! I can tell you I have read 60 books this year!!! That's including graphic novels and novellas. I'm so happy with that number and I plan on at least matching that next year. But for now, it's time for me to tell you about Boy. Tale of Childhood by Roald Dahl.

This book tells us lots of stories from Roald Dahl's childhood, from his school days and about his family and friends, as well as the mischief he got up to. Some of these stories include his prank on the sweet shop lady, his holiday's to Norway to see the rest of his family, and his time spent at boarding school and his stories from his time there.

This book made me laugh so much. Roald Dahl never fails to make you smile in his fiction books and he certainly hasn't failed in this book either. I really enjoyed finding out about what he got up to and what his school day were like.

I loved finding out about some of the people he met during his childhood, some funny, some nasty, some hilarious!!! Some of his teachers sound terrifying!!! I wouldn't have liked to be in school in those day that's for sure!!!

I also really loved the way Roald Dahl introduced his family, even before he was born. We found out about how his mother and father met and how his father had to get his arm amputated after a doctor turned up drunk and thought his injury was something it wasn't and made it ten times worse.

The different places we learn about and Roald Dahl's experiences after his school days are very interesting and it was nice at the end of the book to see what he got up to after his school days including a lot of travelling.

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves reading Roald Dahl fiction as he has has such a fantastic childhood with so many stories to tell. This book is suitable for any age to read and will not fail to make you laugh and smile.

Rating /5

If you've read this book then let me know in the comments what you thought about it and if you have any recommendations then feel free to leave those in the comments as well.

Happy Reading!!!


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