The Heir by Kiera Cass - Review

Friday 21 August 2015

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finished The Heir by Kiera Cass and I really enjoyed it :) Although this book took me longer to get into that the original Selection Series, once I got into it, I loved it!!!

In the first book of this series we see Princess Eadlyn begin her Selection process. Princess Eadlyn is the daughter of America Singer and Prince Maxon from the previous series. 35 boys are chosen to take part in the Selection process and Eadlyn soon finds out that one of them is her mother's friends son, Kile, who already lives in the palace. The 35 boys arrive at the palace and it's safe to say that Eadlyn is not impressed by this process one bit. She has no interested in finding a partner and definitely no interest in getting married.

She tells her parents that she will give it 3 months minimum for the public's entertainment but she is not interested in any of it. Not long into the process she makes a decision to go forward with an elimination. This shocks a lot of people as it has been done so early on but she begins to eliminate anyway.

And in one elimination she manages to get rid of 11 boys!!! Leaving one of them in tears. Eadlyn wants to show the suitors who is the boss and so acts rather stern to them all. The boys start to take it into their own hands organising dates as Eadlyn has no interest in doing so. These dates include cooking, performing, playing musical instruments etc. She also finds her self in trouble on a couple of occasions where the suitors have treat her badly and get them eliminated immediately. 

After some time, Eadlyn begins to relax a bit more and enjoy some of the boy's company, including Kile's which she never thought possible. But just as things begin to look more promising, Eadlyn finds out that her brother has left for France to marry and her mother has suffered a heart attack.

Like I said earlier, this book took me a little longer to get into and I think that was because I felt it was slow at times. I also didn't like Eadlyn as much as I liked America. But as the story progressed I began to like her a lot more and felt she opened up a lot to the suitors.

I have grown to love some of the suitors, including Henri, a Finnish boy that speaks no English and needs Erik, a translator to help communicate with Eadlyn. Some of the boys I find to be too clingy and aren't going the right way in winning Eadlyn's heart, especially as she has little interest in finding love.

The only thing I didn't like so much about this book throughout was the lack of Prince Maxon and America. Although they aren't the main focus in this series, it would have been nicer to hear more about how their relationship has developed throughout the years and I don't feel like we got that.

I can't wait to read the next instalment of this series but unfortunately it's not due to be released until May of next year!!! How am I going to wait that long!!!

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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