Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn - Review

Monday 31 August 2015

Hello Book Lovers!!! 

It's time to share my thoughts on Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn :) Now, this book has been hugely hyped and so I had quite high expectations going into it. But I can't say I was that impressed.

This book is about a wife called Amy who goes missing and Nick her husband has been getting framed for her murder. 

Each chapter is either from the perspective from Amy or Nick and throughout we learn more and more about each of the characters. At the beginning, it has been written for you to hate Nick but as the story continues, you realise that Amy isn't such an innocent character after all.

Before long you will probably start feeling sorry for Nick and hating Amy.

Like I said above, I didn't like Gone Girl as much as I hoped to and here are some reasons as to why. The story was dragged out way to long and I think the book could have been half the size. I also think that the ending of the book was terrible. You don't expect it which is great but it's just not what I wanted from the story at all.

However, with most books, there are also a few good points so I will also share those with you. I liked how the chapters changed from Amy's perspective to Nick's. I have read a few books like this and enjoyed all of them so I think that kind of layout of a book is something I enjoy. I also liked Margo (Go), Nick's sister. She was probably the only likeable character in the story for me. Even when I started to feel sorry for Nick, I still didn't particularly like him. I understand that you aren't meant to like certain characters but I just felt because it got dragged out so much, I got bored reading about them.

I do really like the idea for the story but for me it just wasn't brought across as well as it could have been.

Rating /5

I actually feel like I'm being a little generous on that rating but I didn't hate the book and there were some things I did actually like so that is why I decided to give it a 3/5.

As well as reading the book, I have also watched the film today and although it kept me on the edge of my seat a lot, I also felt like after a while I was getting bored. 

Rating /5

Maybe this story just isn't for me and I will obviously love reading about your opinions on both the book and the film so leave those in the comments below :)

That's all for now but be sure to check out my August Wrap Up which will be coming super soon!!!

Speak to you all then :)


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