The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul by Deborah Rodrigeuz

Wednesday 28 January 2015 0 comments
The next book I am reading is The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul by Deborah Rodrigeuz. The book tells the story of 5 different women, seems like a lot of main characters to follow but I'll try my best!!!

Happy Reading!!!


Attachments by Rainbow Rowell - Review

Tuesday 27 January 2015 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've just finished Attachments by Rainbow Rowell and once again she hasn't failed to entertain me. I literally fell in love with how this book is written. It is so clever and so hilarious!!!

It is about a man called Lincoln who's job is basically to check people's emails and send them warnings if they are breaking any of the rules. But there are 2 girls, Jennifer and Beth, and Lincoln finds himself enjoying reading their emails. He gets caught up in their conversations and eventually starts to have feeling for one of them. But does Lincoln leave it too late to make a move?

This novel had me laughing all the way through. The way Rainbow Rowell writes is just fantastic. She is still one of my favourite authors and I can't wait to read Landline (which I have just got today!!!) :D

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone that likes contemporary, but also anyone that loves to get their head stuck in a comedy; something that makes them laugh constantly!!!

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


Attachments by Rainbow Rowell

Sunday 25 January 2015 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

My next book on my TBR list is Attachments by Rainbow Rowell!!! I literally cannot wait to start reading this. I've read Fangirl and Eleanor and Park and absolutely loved both of them giving Fangirl 4* and Eleanor and Park 5*. Just from these two books, Rainbow Rowell is currently one of my favourite authors so hopefully she will do just as good if not better on Attachments!!!

Happy Reading!!!


The Rescue by Nicholas Sparks - Review

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I have finished my 2nd Nicholas Sparks book of 2015!!! Woohoo!!! Now I did enjoy The Rescue a lot, although not quite as much as Message in a Bottle.

This novel is about a girl called Denise who has a son called Kyle. They find themselves in a car accident and Kyle disappears while Denise is unconscious. The whole fire department goes out searching for him while Denise is getting treated in the hospital. She finds out Kyle has been found by Taylor, one of the firemen and is so relieved when he and her son walks through the hospital doors.

But is this the start of something for Denise and Taylor? As their journey progresses, Denise finds out that Taylor is keeping something from her and this leaves Denise unsure about what to do. She later discovers some heartbreaking news about Taylor but does this have an effect on their feelings for each other?

I did really enjoy this book although I found it quite slow at some points. It was well written (as of all of Nicholas Sparks' other novels I have read have been) and I felt I did connect to some of the characters in different ways. Although I didn't enjoy this book as much as Message in a Bottle, I did still feel hooked on the story and there were a lot of points where I found myself unable to put the book down.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


The Rescue by Nicholas Sparks

Wednesday 21 January 2015 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

Yes here comes another one of Nicholas Sparks' novels. I just can't get enough!!! After reading the synopsis of this book, I literally have no opinion whatsoever other than it sounds quite interesting. I haven't read or watched any reviews on this but I'm sure Nicholas Sparks won't disappoint :)

Happy Reading!!!


Message in a Bottle by Nicholas Sparks - Review

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've just finished A Message in a Bottle by Nicholas Sparks and lets just say the ending caught me off guard. I didn't expect it to end like that but I did think Nicholas Sparks once again created one heck of a synopsis!!! This man never fails!!!

This novel follows the two completely separate lives of Theresa and Garrett. Theresa has split up with her husband and is trying to carry on with life as normal...until she discovers a bottle with a message in washed up on the beach. Little does she know this message will change her life dramatically.

Garrett tragically lost his partner Catherine. During the years after Catherine passed away, Garrett wrote letters to her and placed them in bottles to throw out to sea. Little does he know that his letters have been found and read by a number of people.

Will these letters bring Theresa and Garrett together? Read the book to find out!!! I promise you it won't disappoint!!!

I loved this story and I think it has to be one of my favourite novels Nicholas Sparks has written. There were so many moments that had me hooked and I couldn't put this book down. It covers not only love but loss and tragedy as well and Nicholas Sparks links these in such a unique way with his synopsis.

I would definitely recommend this book especially if you love a good contemporary read.

Rating /5

Not only has this story been brought to life through a novel, it also has a film adaptation which I watched after reading the book. 

I definitely didn't enjoy the film as much as I enjoyed the book. It stuck to the book most of the time, but everything just seemed to happen too quickly at the beginning. Also Garrett didn't look or act like I expected. Although I knew that he obviously had an incredible loving and caring side to him, that wasn't shown until near the end of the film and instead he seemed quite aggressive.

As well as Garrett being different to how I expected him to be, Theresa was also very different to how I expected. In the book she comes across as quite shy but in the film she wasn't shy at all. 

There were also some scenes in the film that I thought were just made way to cheesy. I know this is a love story but the cheesiness was just way to over the top for my liking.

Really the only part of this film I did enjoy fully was the ending. Although the ending isn't nice, it did get to me quite a lot so that was done rather well in my opinion.

Film Rating /5

If you are interested in this story I wouldn't just watch the film, I would recommend you read the book first as the film may put you off. I thought the book was brilliant but the film just wasn't for me.

If you have read the book, seen the film, or both, then let me know what you thought as I would love to hear your opinions of these.

For now...

Happy Reading!!!


Books To Check Out: A Journal

Sunday 18 January 2015 0 comments
Slightly different post today but I just wanted to share with you something I've bought myself that is not exactly a book. As a book lover, naturally I have a HUGE TBR list and although I have a Goodreads account, I have wanted somewhere to write down a list of all of my books to read. So when I found this little treasure in Waterstones for £7.99, I just had to get it.

All I need now is a stamp :)

You can write in all your books to read and there is even a column to stamp for when you have read them.

Not only is there space to write in the books you want to read, but there are also pages to write down your favourite books and passages, love it!!!

And finally there are also pages for your borrowed/lent books so you can keep track of who's books you've borrowed and what books you have lent out to people :)

There is also this really lovely quote on the back. A huge part of my life is books and reading so this quote really stood out to me when I read it :)

Hope you have enjoyed this slightly different post :)

Happy Reading!!!


Message in a Bottle by Nicholas Sparks

Friday 16 January 2015 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

The next book I will be reading is Message in a Bottle by Nicholas Sparks. I read many of Nicholas Sparks' books last year and really enjoyed them so I am excited to see how this one turns out :)

Happy Reading!!!


Little Beach Street Bakery by Jenny Colgan - Review

Hello Book Lovers!!!

Sot this week I have been reading Little Beach Street Bakery by Jenny Colgan. 

I hadn't really heard much about this book and it is the first Jenny Colgan book I have read, but after reading the synopsis I thought it sounded like a nice read :)

This story is about a girl called Poppy who has had trouble at home with work and her relationship. She splits from her partner and decides to move to a little place called Polbearne. Here she meets some interesting characters, some of which become very good friends of Poppy's.....others take a little bit more effort to say the least.

Poppy has to start afresh and make enough money to keep her little flat, so she joins forces with the 'not so nice until you get to know her' bakery lady.

Just as everything starts to be looking up for Poppy, she has to make a very difficult decision; does she stay in Polbearne running the bakery or does she move across the world to be with the new love of her life?

I did enjoy this book as it was a relaxing read and I thought the storyline was very sweet, but I like to get attached to the characters when reading a novel and I didn't feel like this happened with this story. There also wasn't anything that shocked me and at times I didn't feel like much was happening.

I'm also coeliac so reading about all this bread made me crave but that was my own stupid fault :p

The writing style was different to recent books I have been reading but I did enjoy this style as it was very descriptive and so I was able to create my own imagery of this little world of Jenny Colgan's.

Overall I would recommend this book to anyone that likes a relaxing read and also anyone that loves baking :)

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


Little Beach Street Bakery by Jenny Colgan

Sunday 11 January 2015 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!! The next book I will be reading is Little Beach Street Bakery by Jenny Colgan. If any of you have read this book already then let me know what you thought of it :)

Happy Reading!!!


You're The One that I want by Giovanna Fletcher - Review

Saturday 10 January 2015 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

So today I'm going to be reviewing You're The One that I want by Giovanna Fletcher. There was so much about this book that I loved but there were also elements where I found myself  getting angry with some of the characters.

To give a brief overview, this book tells the story of 3 friends who have been friends since Primary School. Their names are Robert, Maddy, and Ben. While they are young and innocent they go through childhood not having a care in the world like children do. 

But Ben has a secret. He thinks he loves Maddy but is scared to tell her in case it effects the trios friendship so instead stays quiet.....for years!!!

Just as Ben decides he is going to tell Maddy he loves her on a school trip to the romantic city of Paris, Robert and Maddy kiss at a dance. Ben is left heartbroken but still doesn't tell Maddy or Robert his secret.

We follow the trio through their years of growing up, going to college, their loves, their heartbreaks, and the many mistakes they make on the way.

But who does Maddy choose to marry? I'm not giving away that many spoilers so get the book read!!!

All I will say is that the ending is lovely and the Epilogue is the perfect end to this story. Giovanna Fletcher, you have once again done brilliantly!!!

Also if you've read the book, I would like to know ..... are you Team Robert or Team Ben? To start with I was Team Ben, but then I got so annoyed at him about half way through that I changed to Team Robert. But then he annoyed me so then I've been left in a bit of a pickle. Give me your opinions in the comments :)

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


You're The One that I want by Giovanna Fletcher

Thursday 8 January 2015 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!! The next book I will be reading is You're The One that I want by Giovanna Fletcher. I've read Billy and Me and absolutely loved it so I have high hopes for this one :)

Happy Reading!!!


Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell - Review

Wednesday 7 January 2015 0 comments

Ok so I've just finished reading Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell. I literally have no idea what to say. This post may be a bit of a fail but here we go!!!

While reading the story I got so attached to the two main characters that I actually started to feel really protective over them. I really wanted them to be real (shut up Hannah they are real!!!).

The story is about two misfits that build up a friendship and end up falling in love. The way Rainbow Rowell has written this is incredible. She made it so real and believable and everything about this could definitely happen in real life.

So Eleanor and Park meet on the college bus and end up sitting next to each other everyday on the way to and from college. The speed at which their friendship blossoms is just perfect. It's not too fast where you think 'really?', and its not too slow where you think 'just hurry up and get together!!!' It is literally perfect <3

Eleanor's home life is not at all perfect. She has a lot of trouble at home caused by her AWFUL stepdad (I want this character dead, I can't put in words how disgusting he is).Anyway, stop get angry Hannah. Park doesn't really get along with his dad too well either as his dad doesn't like how feminine Park can be. 

Eleanor and Park spend a year together falling madly in love and just when you think they are going to live happily ever after and get married and have children...BOOM!!! Disaster strikes!!!

I won't post any spoilers so you will just have to read the book to find out what I'm talking about but I can honestly say this has to be one of my favourite books even though the ending left me in complete shock and I need a sequel right now. Did you here that Rainbow Rowell? I need a sequel...NOW!!!

Book Rating /5

I would highly recommend this book, you all need to read it and let me know what you think, especially of the ending. So what are you waiting for? Go!!! Now!!! Read!!!

Hope you've enjoyed this book review :)

Happy Reading!!!


Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

Sunday 4 January 2015 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

My next book I will be reading is Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell. I've heard so many positive reviews of this book so I'm really looking forward to reading it!!!

Happy Reading!!!


Girl Online by Zoe Sugg - Review

Saturday 3 January 2015 0 comments

So I have just finished reading Girl Online by Zoe Sugg (aka Zoella). Before reading this I had watched and read a few reviews on it and so I was intrigued to find out more about the story.

It is an easy, relaxing read and I found it very enjoyable. It has only taken me 3 days to read and I became so attached to some of the characters unbelievably quickly!!! Favourite Character: Elliot :)

Overview of Story
A young girl called Penny starts an anonymous blog called Girl Online. Her best friend Elliot (my favourite character :D) is the only person that knows she is the owner of the blog.

Penny and her family travel to New York and during their time there, Penny meets a boy called Noah. Noah and Penny create a strong bond very quickly and saying goodbye at the end of the holiday ends up being a difficult task for both of them.

But then Penny finds out information she couldn't imagine even in her wildest dreams. Could this be the end of Noah and Penny's friendship!!! Dun dun duuuuun..............

If you want to find out more about the lives of Penny, Elliot and Noah, you know what you have to do!!!

Overall I really enjoyed reading this book. It covers many issues such as tested friendships, anxiety and panic attacks, love lives etc. and is written in such an understandable way.

Book Rating /5


Let me know in the comments what you thought of this book if you've read it, and if you haven't read it, let me know if it sounds like a book you would like to read :)



Thursday 1 January 2015 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

I thought I would just introduce this blog by telling you a little about myself and what kind of posts to expect :)

My name is Hannah Macleod. I am from Newcastle upon Tyne. I am studying BA (Hons) Dance Practice at the University Centre Doncaster and will be graduating this year (I can't wait!!!). And I love reading!!! I also have two other blogs, one based on my dance bits and bobs which I started in (I think) July 2014) and the other is just a general blog of lots of different things I get up to (which I am also starting today!!!) Here are the links below if you want to check those out :)

I will be posting reviews on all the books I will be reading from now on so it gives you readers some ideas if you are stuck thinking of a book you would like to get you nose stuck into :)

So to get things started!!! The first book of 2015 I will be reading is.....

Girl Online by Zoe Sugg (aka Zoella)!!! 
I love watching Zoe's videos and can't wait to get my nose stuck in this book!!!