Winters Snow by Carrie Hope Fletcher - Review

Sunday 18 December 2016

Hello Book Lovers!!!

Yesterday at the end of Day 2 of the CramAThon I read Winters Snow by Carrie Hope Fletcher. This is the novella to On the Other Side which I absolutely loved when reading it earlier on this year.

So this is from Vincent's perspective. He has now also died and wants to finally be able to be with Evie (their story is explained in On the Other Side).

Vincent finds himself struggling to get to Evie and realises that he didn't fight for Evie the first time he lost her due to family struggles. This means Vincent has to fight a whole lot more this time before he can be with her.

But will Vincent succeed in all he has to do to be with the woman he loves?

I loved reading more about these characters and wish the story was longer as I could have read about them all day. However I loved what there was to read and I thought it was a nice little add on to On the Other Side.

One thing I would have liked would be at the end to hear more about the two together as it ended quite quickly. But maybe that could mean there's space for another book...right? :p

I love Carrie Hope Fletcher's writing style. How she writes fiction is so beautiful. Her words just flow together perfectly. Sometimes when I'm reading her work I think this could be poetry or a song etc. (Of course Carrie is a singer so maybe that element to her writing just came naturally) but I loved it and I can't wait to read more from her.

Overall I think this novella has been beautifully put together and I would highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a sweet, romantic read (of course read On the Other Side first though).

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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