Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll - Review

Sunday 18 December 2016

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've just finished Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll and this was for the challenge of 'Read a Book with under 200 Pages' for the CramAThon. I really enjoyed this like I thought I would. I just love the magic of Wonderland.

So as I'm sure most of you know, this is about a girl called Alice (or in this case Hannah, as the book was personalised for me). So Hannah ends up falling down a rabbit hole and landing in Wonderland. She begins by being taken to a room full of doors, and she has to work out which door to open, however she has a few issues including not being able to reach the keyholes. This is where the 'drink me' bottle comes in. This makes Hannah grow to a much more suitable size for her to be able to complete the task.

After getting through the door she comes across a number of different peculiar characters such as the March Hare, the Mad Hatter, the Cheshire Cat, and of course, finally, the Queen of Hearts.

When Hannah ends up at the Queen of Hearts' palace, she is made to play a game of croquet with flamingos as the mallets and hedgehogs as the balls. As well as this she has to listen to the Queen shouting 'off with their head!' constantly!

Hannah finally has to go to a trial in the court room where the Knave of Hearts is getting questioned about whether they stole the tarts from the Queen of Hearts. As you can imagine this is a huge mess of a trial and Alice even ends up in the firing line...

I love this story and find the nonsense of it highly amusing. I also found that the characters made me laugh a lot as they were just full of completely ridiculous theories and the way the dialogue was written for them was hilarious. Even though the writing was complete nonsense you could tell the difference between all of the characters and each of them had their own separate personalities.

Wonderland is such a magical place and even though its all nonsense, I could still picture everything so clearly. I love how colourful everything is and I think the whole world has been developed so well.

I think my favourite characters have to be the Cheshire Cat and the Mad Hatter. I love both of these even though they are so different. I just think their characters have been developed really well and they are really interesting to read about.

Overall I think this is a great story for all ages and a one I think everyone should read at some point in their lifetime.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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