Saga. Volume 3 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples - Review

Friday 16 December 2016

Hello Book Lovers!!!

So I've just finished Saga. Volume 3 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples which was for the Read a Graphic Novel or Manga Challenge for the Cramathon. I liked this volume but possibly not as much as the first two. However I did still find it enjoyable. (Obviously this is the 3rd volume so if you haven't read the first 2 and you don't want to be spoiled then probably stop reading now).

So in this volume we continue on with the family as well as the grandma. It is still told sort of from the child's point of view however we hear from all characters. So the family go to find an author that can possibly help them with their quest. He lives in a lighthouse and they end up staying a few nights to get as much information as possible.

The family still have freeloaders after them so they are constantly aware of their surroundings and any changes they notice in anyone or anything.

Then there is also The Will that ends up falling for Gwendlyn, the ex of the father in the main family. The Will is also with The Slave Girl that he saved in the previous volume who he now calls Sophie. Sophie however ends up hurting The Will and he ends up seriously ill in hospital.

Of course as always there is lots of fighting off enemies as it is set in a galactic war and running from danger. Of course the family's main priority is to keep their child safe as they weren't meant to fall in love in the first place, never mind have a child. So because of this they have lots of people after them and they are constantly on the run trying to find out more information about fighting off the enemies.

I really liked this volume however not as much as the first two. I found that my mind wandered a little bit and I found it difficult at times to keep up with who was who as lots of people's perspectives were introduced.

I did however love the main family once again and I think the grandma is one of my favourite characters. I just find her to be such a strong opinionated character that makes me laugh and I find that she brings the humour into a story where humour is rare.

I also love the action scenes once again as I love how exciting and fast paced they are as they keep me on my feet and wanting to read more.

The artwork is always stunning in these volumes and they always managed to get me back on track if I feel like I'm getting lost somewhere along the lines. I did feel like that happened more in this novel than in the previous novels and I found that because of this that was why my mind wandered every now and again.

I would definitely recommend this to older readers even if you don't like Sci-Fi as I'm not a fan but I'm loving reading this series. I find that this has helped me be reintroduced into the Sci-Fi genre and I don't feel as scared now to read more novels in this genre.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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