Dream a Little Christmas Dream by Giovanna Fletcher - Review

Friday 16 December 2016

Hello Book Lovers!!!

Yesterday I made a last minute decision to read Dream a Little Christmas Dream by Giovanna Fletcher on the train on the way to my boyfriends as I wanted something to read on the way but something I'd finish before the Cramathon that started today. This book was going to be an extra book during the Cramathon but I decided to read it yesterday instead and because it was an extra book anyway, I still have enough books for all of the challenges that have been set.

So this book is the Christmas novella to Dream a Little Dream and so it's the perfect time of year to read it. I did read this last year as well so it's a reread for me but I thoroughly enjoyed it once again.

We follow Sarah who is with her boyfriend Brett. They aren't living together yet but Sarah lives with her friend Carly. She finds out that Carly's boyfriend wants them to find their own place so they can live together. Sarah is happy for them but can't help wondering how long it's going to be before Brett asks to move in with her.

As well as this, another one of Sarah's friends announces she is pregnant and although Sarah is once again over the moon for her friend, she feels like she doesn't know where she fits in with her friends anymore as she feels she's the only one who doesn't have anything exciting happening to her.

She starts to feel paranoid as Brett starts to be distant with her and even misses Christmas dinner with her family. Sarah can't help but feel upset and starts to think that Brett could be breaking up with her.

What Sarah doesn't know is that Brett has something planned for her just around the corner...

This is such a sweet story and perfect to read for this time of year. It really gets you into the Christmas spirit and although this is a short story as it's a novella, the plot develops at a perfect pace and nothing seems rushed.

The characters are all so likeable and I felt like I wanted to be in their friendship group too. You can really feel a sense of support between all of the group and it gives off a nice warm atmosphere.

I would have liked for more of the characters to have developed a little more as we see development in the main characters but not so much in the side characters. However apart from this I really enjoyed it and I'd highly recommend it if you are looking for a nice Christmassy read to get you into the festive spirit!

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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