The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins - Review

Friday 16 December 2016

Hello Book Lovers!!!

The other day I finished reading The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins and really enjoyed it. I'm happy I was finally in the mood to read this book as it's a one I've been meaning to read for a while.

In this story we meet Rachel who gets the same train to work each morning and see's the same people and events, so much so that they have just become a part of her life. However Rachel is keeping some secrets from her friend that she is currently living with, as she is now no longer with Tom, and so had nowhere to live.

Rachel is an alcoholic and because of this she ended up losing her job. So each morning when she gets the train, her friend thinks she going to work when in fact she spends her days wandering the streets.

One day she sees something from the train that she can't help but get herself involved in. It's something shocking, something she never expected to see. So she begins to piece together clues of what could have happened and ends up getting herself into more trouble than she realised was possible.

This is about family break ups, the death of a girl, and how the two interlink with one another. It's an exciting read and a complete page turner.

I felt like I just couldn't put this book down. At the end of each chapter I wanted to find out more. The plot for me was the strongest element however I expected the shocking thing that Rachel sees to be a bit more shocking than it was.

However saying that, the story developed in such a strong way and I never got bored. I was always wanting to continue to read and found myself having to rush to work some days as I'd lose track of time.

One thing I found not so enjoyable for me was the characters. I know that in these genres of stories you don't tend to like the characters as there are so many secrets and things revealed that make you angry. But for me although I didn't like the characters, I didn't feel any sort of strong feelings towards any of them and I'd prefer to strongly hate them than just not feel much at all.

Overall I found this book highly engaging and the storyline would definitely be my selling point if I was to recommend this to anyone.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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