Rapid Fire Book Tag 2016 | BookTube

Sunday 31 July 2016 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today I'm sharing with you my Rapid Fire Book Tag! I really enjoyed filming this video as it got me thinking about my reading habits and preferences! Enjoy!

Happy Reading!!!


New Moon by Stephanie Meyer

Sunday 24 July 2016 0 comments
Hello Everyone!!!

I've completely forgot to tell you what I'm currently reading! I'm rereading New Moon by Stephanie Meyer which is the final book I had planned to read this month. Yes I've got to the final book on my monthly TBR! And I'm just over half way through! I don't think I'll get any more books read this month after this one as it's my boyfriends birthday this upcoming week so I'll be spending a lot of time with him (long distance relationship!). However if I get New Moon finished I will be so happy! It will be the first month this year I will have got everything on my monthly TBR read! Which means next month will be a completely fresh TBR and I can't wait!

I'm liking New Moon so far however it's the same kind of situation as Twilight...I liked it better when I was 16! I think I'm liking New Moon more than Twilight however.

Happy Reading!!!


Summer Book Recommendations 2016 | BookTube

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've put together a video of my summer book recommendations for you to check out! If you have any recommendations that you think are great to read in the summer then let me know! Enjoy!

Happy Reading!!!


The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne - Review

Friday 22 July 2016 0 comments

Hello Everyone!!!

I've finished rereading The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne and I thoroughly enjoyed it again. It was great to revisit this story and I'll definitely be watching the film again very soon.

This story follows a boy called Bruno who has to move from him home in Berlin that he loves because of his father's job. His father is a soldier and Bruno thinks the world of him. However he isn't happy that he has to leave him home and his friends.

Once moved to their new location, the family find it difficult to settle in as it's nowhere near as nice as their home in Berlin. Bruno is very bored as there aren't any children to play outside with and instead the only person he seems to talk to is his sister Gretel.

From Bruno's bedroom window he notices a place that seems to be behind a huge fence and begins to wonder what it is. He sees a lot of people and thinks that there will be children there for him to play with. This is the beginning of Bruno's adventure.

Once at the fence, he meets a boy called Shmuel who is wearing what looks to be striped pyjamas. Bruno soon finds out that everyone on that side of the fence have to wear these clothes but he is none of the wiser as to why.

Bruno and Shmuel develop a beautiful friendship even though they can't play together as they are on opposite sides of the fence. But one day Shmuel's father goes missing and Bruno knows that he has the help him find him...but he will have to go under the fence and onto the other side to do this...

I loved revisiting this story as I found it so interesting and educational. It's written in such a way that children could be easily informed on a lighter scale of the horrors that went on during these times and the writing style is so easy to understand.

I loved Bruno's innocence to the whole situation as he has no idea what is going on and why he can't go play on the other side of the fence with Shmuel or why Shmuel can't come to his side of the fence to go exploring with him.

The friendship these two build is just extraordinary and you can't help but get attached to these characters. The support they give each other without even really realising it is just beautiful and you can't help but fall in love with the two of them.

I found the last chapter a bit to vague for my liking however. I understand why is was done but I think it could have had a little bit more to it. Apart from that I did really enjoy the story and I would recommend it to readers who like to be educated while reading as well as enjoy a good story. The history in this story is very well written and you can see that John Boyne has definitely done his research.

Rating /5

If you've read this book then definitely let me know what you thought of it as I would love to know and I'll speak to you all very soon!

Happy Reading!!!


The Selection Series Review | BookTube

Tuesday 19 July 2016 0 comments
Hello Everyone!!!

Today I'm sharing with you my full video review of The Selection Series by Kiera Cass. I finished this series a couple of months ago and have been meaning to do a full review of it since. So here it is finally and I hope you enjoy!

Happy Reading!!!


The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne

Sunday 17 July 2016 0 comments
Hello Everyone!!!

I've decided to pick up my reread for this month which is The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne. I remember loving this book when I first read it and I also love the film but it's been a few years since the last time I read this story so I thought it was time to give it another read.

This is about a little boy who moves house and while there, meets another little boy behind a big wired fence. This little boy is wearing what looks like striped pyjamas however as the story unveils we learn the true meaning behind why he looks the way he does.

I'm hoping to love this book just as much if not more than the first time round and I just can't wait to get stuck into the story again!

Happy Reading!!!


Edinburgh Vlog | 2016

Wednesday 13 July 2016 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today I'm bringing you a slightly different video. I decided to vlog my trip to Edinburgh Zoo with my boyfriend and put the footage together for you to see. We had a lovely day out and it's definitely something I would love to do again.



The Disney Book. A Celebration of the World of Disney by Jim Fanning - Review

Tuesday 12 July 2016 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finished reading The Disney Book. A Celebration of the World of Disney by Jim Fanning and I learnt so many more facts and figures.

In this we get to learn about the characters, films, Walt Disney and his family, and the Disney Parks. We also get to see lots of images of concept art, ideas, and photos as well as images of the Disney Merchandise.

The book gives in depth details about the creations of the films right from the beginning of the processes and discusses each part of the development. For example, the initial idea/vision, the character development, the world development, the advertising and production, and the premieres.

When reading about the parks I learnt about the concept art and the construction of each of them as well as the facts and figures such as the years they were opened and the rides that are within the parks.

When I was looking at some of the merchandise, even in some of the newer items, I could still see the traditional Disney look that has been passed on through the years.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading about all of the different elements of the book and I found myself specifically interested in the film developments. I liked learning about where the ideas came from and how they were then brought to life and I liked how right at the beginning of the book there was a full timeline of Disney history.

The Disneyland Parks always get me excited as I really do find them so magical. I've been to Paris where I danced in a show and did the parade with the characters and then I went to California last year which was made even more special as it was the 100th anniversary!

I think this book is perfect for all you Disney fans as you learn so much more about each of the elements of Disney and this is definitely something I know I can refer back to if I want to remember something about Disney. However sometimes I did find some of the explanations a little confusing and long winded but that could be because I'm not familiar with every bit of terminology!

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


July TBR | 2016

Sunday 10 July 2016 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

I'm finally getting round to posting my very late July TBR! I've now already read some of the books on this list and you'll know which ones if you've read some of my previous posts from this month, however I still have some to read and I've got a really good feeling that I might actually get them all read this month! I hope! Enjoy!

Happy Reading!!!


The Disney Book. A Celebration of the World of Disney by Jim Fanning

Saturday 9 July 2016 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

I'm finally getting round to reading The Disney Book. A Celebration of the World of Disney by Jim Fanning. I'm so excited to delve into this book as I'm a huge Disney fan and I'm looking forward to hopefully learning more.

In this we find out about the films, characters, creations, parks, and Walt Disney's life himself. I love how this book involves lots of different topics rather than just concentrating on 1 or 2 elements of the world of Disney.

Happy Reading!!!


Fairest. A Clamour for Glamour by Mark Buckingham and Bill Willingham - Review

Friday 8 July 2016 0 comments

Hello Book Lovers!!!

So like I said I would, I've read Fairest. The Clamour for Glamour by Mark Buckingham and Bill Willingham in one sitting. I enjoyed this story but it isn't one of my favourites in the series. I also think this is the final volume in the series which I wasn't aware of.

In this volume we meet Reynard who can turn from fox to human. He boasts to the other animals on the farm about his experiences and adventures and the other animals get annoyed and jealous. They decide to make a stand and protest for their rights to glamours of their own.

Reynard, after his attitude gets on everyone's nerves, gets taken and dropped on a farm miles from where he lives. There he meets Meghan, a young girl who lives with her uncle and cousin. Reynard soon realises that these two don't treat Meghan right and the two eventually escape and start working in a cafe together. But when Meghan falls pregnant the two have no idea how to react. After all, Reynard isn't all human. He's also a fox.

Back at the farm the animals are still protesting for their rights for glamours, however a flower that is also on the farm tries to steal all the glamours for himself.

I don't want to give too much away but I thought that the storyline was strong however it wasn't my favourite of the series so far like I said above. I found myself getting a little confused in places and that made me start to lose my attention on the story.

I did however like the bond between the animals on the farm. I liked how each one had their own little personality and this brought humour to the writing. I found the dialogue fairly easy to follow but like I said before, some parts of the story I felt my mind wandering.

The illustrations in this volume are fantastic and I really thought they helped bring the story to life more. They also helped my understanding of the story a lot more and if I was getting confused, it didn't take too long to work out what was happening again.

Overall I did enjoy this volume, it just wasn't my favourite. I wouldn't recommend this to younger readers as not all of the storyline is suitable for a younger age range. However for older readers who like fun graphic novel series, I definitely recommend to you.

Rating /5

There was also an extra little story in the back about Goldilocks and her life on the run. Goldilocks is an evil villain in the Fairest stories and so she is now on the run. She is also trying to become the fairest in the land so she can become the ruler.

This was a nice little story at the end of this volume and it was great to read more about Goldilocks as she is one of my favourite characters.

If you've read any of the Fairest series then let me know what you thought of it and I'll speak to you all very soon!

Happy Reading!!!


Fairest. The Clamour for Glamour by Mark Buckingham and Bill Willingham

Hello Book Lovers!!!

Next I'm going to read Fairest. The Clamour for Glamour by Mark Buckingham and Bill Willingham, which is the 5th book in the Fairest series. I haven't read any of this series in a while so I'm excited to get back into it. I hope to read this in one sitting but we will see how tired I get! Wish me luck!

I don't know too much about this graphic novel however I do know we follow Snow White and Red Rose. I'll tell you lots more information in my review which I'll possibly post tonight but we will see!

Happy Reading!!!


June Wrap Up | 2016

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I'm finally sharing with you the books I read in June! I only read 3 books as you will already know if you've read my written wrap up, but I go more in depth in this video if you would like to give it a watch. Enjoy!

Happy Reading!!!


P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han - Review

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've just finished P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han and I really enjoyed it. I didn't really know what to expect with it being a sequel and I had no idea how the story would continue but I liked the direction in which we were taken. However I'm not sure how I felt about some of it. I can't quite decide. Also there will be spoilers for the first book in this review so if you don't want to get spoiled you've been warned!

So in this book we continue with Lara Jean's story. In the last book, To All the Boys I've Loved Before, she starts a fake relationship with Peter however they do end up together and in P.S. I Still Love You, we see the continuation of their relationship.

Lara Jean's luck is about to change however when a video of herself and Peter kissing in a hot tub goes viral on the internet, They don't know for definite who posted the video however Lara Jean thinks she has an idea...Peter's ex girlfriend Genevieve. The doesn't have too much of an affect on Lara and Peter's relationship but when a letter comes through the post addressed to Lara Jean, this might be the thing that starts making their relationship a bit rocky!

The letter is from John, an old friend of Lara and Peter's from school. John was also one of the boys that Lara wrote a love letter to...and in the previous book, these love letters all get sent out. Luckily for Lara Jean, the letter is lovely and she decides to keep in contact through letters with John.

John ends up returning to where Lara lives and this makes things a little awkward for herself and Peter. But Peter is also spending a lot of time still with Genevieve, which Lara Jean is finding difficult to deal with.

Now with Peter and Lara's relationship fizzling, and John now being on the scene, what will Lara Jean do and will she pick any of the boys to be with at all?

I really enjoyed this book and for most of the book I was much preferring Lara Jean's character as she didn't seem as childish and wingy like she was in the first book. However that did change slightly further into the book and she began to annoy me again. I really loved John's character as I found him so charming and sweet and he definitely cared for Lara Jean immensely.

Peter was a character that in this book I really couldn't make my mind up about. In To All the Boys I've Loved Before, even though he was super cocky, I couldn't help but like him. But in this book I found him to be a bit of an idiot sometimes. I didn't completely hate him, I just didn't like him as much in this book as I did in the previous book.

The storyline was thoroughly enjoyable and like I said above, I liked the direction in we were taken in. It showed that life can be a bit rocky sometimes but it's not always going to be like that. We are all going to have good days and bad days and that's just life! I liked how the family element with the three sisters was still present in this story and they were still all so supportive of on another. That was something I really loved about the first book so I'm happy that continued in this book.

As for the ending of this story, I can't decide whether I liked it, disliked it, or thought it was a bit of a cop out. At the minute, I'm kind of feeling like it was a bit of a cop out. I think I would have liked to have seen it end differently however I'm obviously not going to go into detail about that as it will spoil you if you haven't yet read it and you would like to.

Overall I found this book very enjoyable however I did have a couple of problems with it. I do think the whole series was strong though and it's definitely something I would recommend if you are in need of a fast paced cute contemporary read.

Rating /5

If you've read this series, or even just the first book, then let me know what you think as I would love to know and I'll speak to you all very soon!

Happy Reading!!!


June Book Haul | 2016

Thursday 7 July 2016 0 comments
Hello Everyone!!!

I've eventually got around to filming my June Book Haul! I've got lots to show you this time, and not just books but some bookish items as well! Enjoy!

Let me know of any books or bookish items you got over the last month and I will speak to you all very soon!

Happy Reading!!!


P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han

Friday 1 July 2016 0 comments
Hello Book Lovers!!!

The first book I've decided to read this month is P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han. This is the sequel to To All The Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han.

In the first book, we meet Lara Jean who writes love letters to all the boys she's ever loved.. However these letters are only for her and for nobody else to see. But one day all of the letters are sent out and she has to deal with the consequences of this.

I have no idea where the sequel is going to take us but I'm excited to find out!

Happy Reading!!!


June Wrap Up | 2016

Hello Book Lovers!!!

It's now July so of course I need to wrap up the month of June! I read 3 books in June and overall I think the books I read were very enjoyable, however in very different ways...but we will get to that in a minute!

The first book I read was...

Me Before You by JoJo Moyes

This book follows a girl called Lou who is happy with her life however she is just about to lose her job and she isn't sure she still loves her boyfriend. Lou goes for a job interview to become a carer and ends up getting the job. She begins caring for a guy called Will who has been in a motorbike accident and is paralysed. He has lost all the desires to live and this story follows these two characters and their struggles with dealing with what's happened. I absolutely loved this book. It had me feel every emotion and it left me speechless. It was one of the best books I've read this year for sure so of course I gave it 5* on Goodreads.

The second book I read was...

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

This was my reread of the month and I have to say that 16 year old Hannah enjoyed it more than 22 year old Hannah. However, saying that, I did still enjoy it but I just found it slower than I remembered. I'm sure you all know what Twilight is about but in case any of you don't then I will quickly tell you. Bella moves from Jacksonville where she lives with her mum and her mum's boyfriend to Forks to live with her dad. In school there she meets a guy called Edward Cullen and at first she thinks that he hates her. But as Bella begins to find out more about Edward and his family, she soon discovers that he is actually a vampire. Like I said before, I enjoyed it more the first time round reading it however I will always like this book as it got a lot more people reading. I gave it 3* on Goodreads.

And the third and final book I read was...

The Crown by Kiera Cass

This is the final book in the Selection Series and follows Eadlyn, America's daughter. America was the main protagonist in the first 3 books and then Eadlyn was introduced in the 4th. This book however is the 5th and final book and concludes Eadlyn's process in her Selection. I liked how much the characters developed in this book as I didn't like Eadlyn in The Heir however I did like her a lot more in The Crown. I also liked learning more about the boys that were left in the Selection. There was some questions I found unanswered, however I did still really enjoy this book and gave it 4* on Goodreads.

So that is it for my June Wrap Up however it's now time to find out which book gets the award for my Favourite June Read. And the winner is.....

Me Before You by JoJo Moyes!!!

This book was just perfect to me and because it made me feel every emotion under the sun and left me speechless, it definitely deserves to be my Favourite June Read. I also can't wait to see the film which I'm hoping to do this weekend!

If you've read any of the books I've mentioned then let me know what you thought of them and also let me know which book has been your favourite in June. I'll speak to you all very soon and will have my video wrap up posted next week!

Happy Reading!!!


The Crown by Kiera Cass - Review

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've flew through The Crown by Kiera Cass and I'm so happy yet slightly sad at the same time that I've finally finished the Selection Series. This is definitely a series I'm going to miss but of course I will be reading it again in the future.

The Crown carries on the story of Eadlyn, America's daughter. America was the main protagonist in the first 3 books then Eadlyn was introduced in the 4th. In the 4th book we are taken through the first section of Eadlyn's Selection process and the 5th book concludes her process.

So Eadlyn is in the Elite stage of the Selection. The Selection is a royal process where the prince/princess has to chose a husband/wife from the boys/girls that are chosen to stay at the palace. Eadlyn originally has no desire to be in the Selection process at all but in The Crown we see her become a lot closer to the boys she has asked to stay.

We begin to see a different side to Eadlyn as she has also had to stand in for her mother America who is ill. She has a lot more work to do for the country as well as going through her Selection process however she deals very well with this.

But of course someone tries to intervene with her love life and even tricks the public into thinking that they might be together (I'm not saying who however!). So it's up to Eadlyn to make up her mind about what she wants to do in terms of the country and her future...and she doesn't have long to make up her mind before things could all go wrong.

I really enjoyed this book and especially Eadlyn's development as a character. In The Heir (the 4th book where she is introduced), I didn't like her too much as I found her to winy and childish, however in this book she has developed into so much more of a leader and her emotions are so much more apparent whereas in The Heir, she didn't seem to have that much emotion and I couldn't become attached to her in any way as she annoyed me.

I also loved finding out more about each of the boys that were left in the Selection process and how each of their stories and characters have developed. 

Although I did really enjoy this book, there were some things I felt were missing. In the first 3 books there was a lot more notice taken of the public and the wars that were starting. However in the last 2 books I didn't feel like there was any action of that sort at all. I also felt that there were some unanswered questions at the end such as, is America ok? And what happened to the character that I'm not going to name that tried to trick the public into thinking himself and Eadlyn were going to be together?

Overall I did enjoy this book however there were a few things that I thought could have been concluded better. I'm happy that I have another completed series on my shelf and this is definitely a series that I will reread in the future.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!
