The BFG by Roald Dahl - Review

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Hello Book Lovers!!!

So the final book I read in April was The BFG by Roald Dahl. I started this in the last hour of the Dewey's 24 Hour ReadAThon but never got it finished so finished it after. I've read pretty much all of Roald Dahl's books so this was a reread for me but I haven't read them in years so it was nice to revisit one of his stories.

If you somehow don't know what The BFG is about, its about a giant called 'The Big Friendly Giant' (BFG). He lives in a place with lots of other giants but he isn't like all of those other giants. He is a good giant, and the others are all horrible. They go out in the night to steal and eat people!

The BFG on the other hand eats nothing but the horrible tasting Snozcumbers! He doesn't believe in eating people and would try anything to stop the giants from eating people.

One night he visits London delivering good dreams for all of the children there to have. But he notices a little girl standing at her window and he knows that she has seen him. There is nothing left for the BFG to do other than take her back to Giant Country...after all she would only start telling people and the word would get out that giants exist!

This little girl is called Sophie and when she gets taken to Giant Country she can't believe anything that is happening...I ,mean its understandable...would you believe that is was possible that Giants were real and you're standing in the presence of one? Or would you think that this all must be a dream? I know I'd be thinking the latter of those things.

Sophie eventually begins to believe what she is seeing and hearing and starts to get to know the BFG and what he does. She also learns of the other giants and just how terrible they are! After hearing about these horrible creatures, Sophie and the BFG start to plan a way of stopping the giants eating people...I don't want to tell you how but it involves the Queen!

I absolutely love Roald Dahl's writing and the imagination in this story is just incredible. The words he has created specifically for Giants and the way in which he has the BFG talking is fantastic. The BFG has never had any education so gets his words and sentences all mixed up however you can still understand what he is trying to say even though he is really talking nonsense.

I also loved Sophie. She is such a strong minded little girl with such a big heart and just wants to do whats best for the world. Her friendship with the BFG is such a beautiful development and they really become to support each other.

Roald Dahl is also fantastic at bringing humour to his stories and the way he writes the giant's scenes are hilarious. He makes them sound so stupid and clueless yet evil and nasty at the same time. However he can also write beautifully heart-warming scenes with the BFG and Sophie that just make their friendship all the more lovely to read about.

I also have to mention the illustrations. Quentin Blake is one of my favourite illustrators and his drawings always make the stories written come to life that little bit more. They make the books he illustrates for feel interactive in a way as you feel like you know the characters even more and you are actually going through their story with them.

I can't wait to read more of Roald Dahl's books and I know I'll be doing this really soon as there is another ReadAThon just around the corner! But more on that another time.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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