Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer - Review

Friday 26 May 2017

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've just realised I never did a review of Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer! And yes I've finally read it! Miracle! So Breaking Dawn is the fourth and final book in the Twilight Series so if you've not read that or seen the films and you don't want to be spoiled I suggest you stop reading now.

In this part of the series we see Bella and Edward's relationship really take off. The two get married and go on their honeymoon. But what happens on their honeymoon not even those two were expecting.

Bella starts feeling tired and dehydrated and sick, but she thinks its just a bug she's picked up. However turns out Bella is actually pregnant! A vampire and a human making a child is unheard of but somehow possible, so Carlise tells them to come home so he can see to Bella and make sure she survives the pregnancy.

The baby isn't making it easy for her as it's partly vampire and is feeding on Bella's body. As well as that, Bella also won't have a typical 9 month pregnancy as the baby is growing at such a pace it will only take a few weeks!

But another thing they are going to have to think about is protecting this child from the Volturi. Once they hear the word of there being a hybrid, they will want the child for themselves.

I actually quite enjoyed reading this part of the series which surprised me a little bit as I wasn't keen on Eclipse at all. But this book seemed to pick up the pace again most of the way through so I didn't feel like I was getting bored as much.

I liked reading more about the Volutri as they are such interesting characters and the scenes at the end with them were fast paced and exciting and definitely helped pick the pace of the story up again.

I liked the character development during this story but Alice is still my favourite character although I did grow to really like Emmett during this book as well as I found him really quirky and hilariously sarcastic.

I felt like the descriptions of locations and characters were also a lot better than some of the previous books so that helped me build clearer images in my head while reading.

Bella still annoyed me a lot but I expected that. I just find her such a boring, bland character with very little personality and that definitely slowed the story down.

However overall this was one of my top books of the series and although it's one of those series with so much love/hate, I did enjoy rereading it and I'm glad I did.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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