Looking For Alaska by John Green - Review

Friday 17 July 2015

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finished Looking For Alaska by John Green and I really enjoyed it :) It has definitely lived up to it's hype and I hope it is made into a film like The Fault in Our Stars and PaperTowns

This book is about a boy called Miles who goes away to school and lives in a dorm room with another boy called Chip while he's there. Chip and Miles become friends very quickly and Chip ensures Miles is comfortable with his surroundings as Miles struggles with social situations as he has been a bit of a Wallflower in his previous schools.

Also living in the dorms is Alaska, a girl who is very hard to work out. One minute she can be super happy and bubbly, and the next minute she is the complete opposite; angry, emotional etc.

Miles takes a liking to Alaska very quickly but unfortunately for Miles, Alaska has a boyfriend.

Miles, Chip, Alaska, and their group of friends go through school together, getting into trouble for smoking on school property, not going to class etc. Although they have their differences, the group are tight and they support each other through thick and thin.

But one day their lives changed dramatically through a tragedy they never seen coming...

That's all I'm going to say about the synopsis as I really don't want to spoil anything for you. I definitely recommend you pick this book up and give it a read. It really makes you think about how much we take for granted in our lives. 

I loved all of the characters in this book, like I always do with John Green's characters, and the story kept me very engaged the whole way through. I definitely think that if I wasn't so busy all the time I could read this book in one sitting.

John Green's character dialogue is always spot on as well. He makes the characters speak just like we do in real life. You can truly see the characters speaking to each other in the way John Green writes their dialogue.

Looking For Alaska gave me all the feels. I laughed so much but then a couple of pages later I could be close to tears. I can never fully gage where his stories are going to take us and I think that is what I find exciting about reading his work.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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