Dream a Little Dream by Giovanna Fletcher - Review

Monday 13 July 2015

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I managed to read half of Dream a Little Dream by Giovanna Fletcher while I was on holiday and then finished it off once I got home. I really enjoyed this book although not as much a Billy and Me.

This story follows Sarah, a woman who works for the worst boss ever and not only that, but she is sick of her single life. She starts to dream about a boy named Brett who she knew vaguely in college through another one her friends.

These dreams aren't just normal dreams where he happens to just be in the dream randomly, she is having romantic dreams about this boy who she hardly knows and hasn't seen in years.

One day at work Sarah asks for a promotion as she feels she has been with the company long enough but also feels she can do more than make coffee for her boss. Her boss tells her that they are opening up another spot in the development department of the company, where she will be able to bring forward her ideas about knew TV programmes they could potentially create. Sarah gets the position but soon finds out that there is another knew member on the team.

Sarah has no idea who this person could be but when she walks in and see's Brett who she has been dreaming about, she doesn't know how to respond. After a while she gets used to the idea of having Real Brett at work and Dream Brett at home although this is something she does still find completely strange.

As the story continues, romance starts to grow between Brett and Sarah but they face issues along the way.

I really enjoyed this book but didn't feel too attached to the characters. I felt like I wanted to know more about the real Brett as well as I didn't feel like I knew him even at the end. I did like the story line though and I liked how we got snippets of Sarah's dreams throughout the book. I would recommend this to older readers as there is some content in here that isn't really suitable for younger readers. 

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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