Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer - Review

Friday 16 September 2016

Hello Book Lovers!!!

I've finally finished Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer and I have to say I didn't enjoy this as much as I wanted to. I will still be finishing the series as I'm so far through it now and only have one book left but this book just wasn't exciting enough for me. This is the third book in the series so if you don't want to be spoilt I have a review for Twilight on my blog you can check out as well as New Moon, the second book in the series.

So in this part of the story, Bella is faced with her best friend Jacob telling her they can't be friends anymore because of her being with vampires. However Charlie, Bella's dad wants Bella to hang out with more people than just the Cullens. 

Charlie also warns Bella and Edward Cullen about a killing spree that has happened in Seattle and Edward thinks that there are newborns and they are the ones doing the killings.

Bella tries to see Jacob while all of this is going on but Edward tries to sabotage their meetings and so this makes it very difficult for Jacob and Bella to see each other.

Victoria, a vampire set on killing Bella has also returned and this sets off a run-in between Edward's family and Jacob's family. But Bella wants Edward to stop being so protective so she can still see Jacob.

Bella is still wanting to be a vampire and when she tells Jacob the news that she will be making this change after graduation, he loses his temper and says he'd rather see her dead. This causes friction between the two but soon enough, Jacob tells Bella his true feelings for her.

So the story continues and we see the vampires and werewolves fight against the enemies and try to protect Bella, even if this does causes a little bit of rivalry between them!

I didn't find this part of the story interesting at all. I felt myself getting bored a lot of the time and didn't feel the need for the book to be so long as most of it was just dragged out.

I did however like the fight scenes nearer the end as that was fast paced and kept me engaged. I also liked the rivalry between the werewolves and vampires however I found it quite petty at times.

The writing I thought was too drawn out and I found that the story could have been written a lot quicker if it wasn't for the amount of time spent reading about how rubbish Bella felt. 

The scenes I did find engaging were what kept me reading, however it took me such a long time to get through this book as I kept getting bored and felt like I had to drag myself through it.

Rating /5

Happy Reading!!!


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