August Wrap Up | 2016

Friday 2 September 2016
Hello Book Lovers!!!

Today I'm wrapping up all the books I read in August. I am so pleased to say I read 6 books and 2 graphic novels and I couldn't be happier! I'm still currently behind on my Goodreads reading goal for this year but as long as I'm reading a good amount a month I'm happy. So without further ado lets get started!

The first book I read in August was...

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by J.K. Rowling, John Tiffany and Jack Thorne

This is the script for the stage production performed in London. It's not a full novel so you don't get the descriptive writing but I still enjoyed it however I did have some issues with it. I've done a full review of this on my channel so click here if you would like to hear my full thoughts and opinions! I gave this 4* on Goodreads.

The next book I read was...

Dream House by Marzia Bisognin

This is about a lady called Amethyst who comes across the house of her dreams. She gets invited in to stay dry while there's a storm and ends up staying the night. But when she wakes up she's completely alone. She goes out to try find clues to what's happening and comes across some strange people and even stranger happenings on the way. I really enjoyed this book however I would have liked to find out more about Amethyst as I don't feel like we got to know her very well at all. The story kept me engaged and I was kept on the edge of my seat the whole way through. I gave this book 4* on Goodreads.

And next I read...

Pig-Heart Boy by Malorie Blackman

This is about Cameron, a 13 year old boy in need of a heart transplant. It's not looking good for him as they can't seem to find a match and so his father contacts an 'outside' doctor who manages to find a match for him. But this match isn't from a human, it's from a pig. The story was so captivating and I loved reading about the characters and found myself getting attached to some of them. I loved Cameron and his determination and I just felt myself smiling throughout. I gave this book 5* on Goodreads. I loved it!

The next book I read in August was...

Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson

This is about two girls called Emily and Sloane who are best friends and have their whole summer planned out. But Sloane disappears and the only thing left is a bucket list she's left for Emily. But on this bucket list there are things that Emily would never in a millions years do but Emily thinks that by completing this list, that could bring Sloane back. So we follow Emily though her summer and how she completes these tasks, with a lot of help from the friends she makes on her journey. I really enjoyed this book but I don't see the hype surrounding it. It was a fun summer contemporary read but nothing stood out for me. However I did still really enjoy reading it and I gave it 4* on Goodreads.

After that I read...

Saga. Volume 1 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples

Saga is a Sci Fi graphic novel series following a family trying to find their place in the world. The two fall in love during a galactic war but they are from two different planets that are at war against each other. So because of this they aren't meant to fall in love. However this doesn't stop them and they have a baby. But they have enemies after them trying to kill them so they have to go on the run and defeat the enemies so they can finally find peace. I absolutely loved this graphic novel and I'm so pleased I picked it up. I'm not a Sci Fi fan but I completely understand the hype around this series. If like me you aren't a fan of Sci Fi, I definitely recommend this to you as it might just be the doorway to introducing you to Sci Fi that you enjoy! It was exciting and full of twists and turns and for this I gave it 5* on Goodreads.

After Saga I read...

A Whole New World. A Twisted Tale by Liz Braswell

This is an Aladdin retelling where Jafar is now in charge of Agrabah and has the lamp. Because Jafar is a villain, this is never going to end well for the people of Agrabah and so it's up to Aladdin and Jasmine to defeat Jafar and save their kingdom. But they could also risk destroying their kingdom in their journey. I enjoyed this book as it was a fun quick read and a good take on Aladdin. However I didn't find it descriptive enough in the locations and I also found it got slow at times and because of this I lost concentration some of the time. However I did still enjoy this so gave it 3* on Goodreads.

I then went on to read...

On the Other Side by Carrie Hope Fletcher

This is about Evie Snow that dies in her sleep at the age of 82 surrounded by her children and grandchildren. She finds herself at her own private heaven but as her 27 year old self. As well as this the gates to her heaven won't open as Evie's soul is too heavy, and to open the gates, her soul must be light. So Evie has to find a way for her to communicate with her family about 3 secrets she has kept from them for years. But with her family not being able to see or hear her, this could be quite complicated. I loved this story as it was such a sweet read and I got so attached to some of the characters. I thought the character development was fantastic and it made me feel every emotion. The only thing I would say is it got quite difficult to keep up with who was related to who etc. as there were a lot of characters introduced. Apart from that I really enjoyed it and gave it 4* on Goodreads.

And finally I read...

Saga. Volume 2 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples

I won't say too much about this as it's obviously the continuation from volume 1 however this time, the baby's grandparents are introduced and are initially against them but end up helping them defeat the enemies. Also there's a character that was mentioned in the first volume introduced in volume 2 and I loved that! I can't wait to find out what they are going to end up doing in the following volumes! Again another amazing read that kept me intrigued and asking questions throughout. 5* on Goodreads without a doubt!

So that's it for all of my reads of the month so now it's time to find out what my Favourite August Read was! And the winner is...

Saga. Volume 1 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples!!!

The reason I chose volume 1 is because this introduced me into more Sci Fi and I fell completely in love with it. It was exciting and captivating and I just couldn't put it down. Volume 2 was also fantastic but without volume 1, I would have never of read volume 2!

That's all for this post and I will speak to you all very soon! My Wrap Up video will be posted later today so you can all look forward to that! Feel free to let me know what you read in August and what you're favourite read of the month was as I'd love to know!

Happy Reading!!!


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